Chapter 3

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She pulled her suitcase out of the front door and grabbed her keys from her bag, locking the front door. She stood a little bit away from the front door and turned to take one last look at her little cottage, her little life that she was leaving for a while.

She walked up the little road that lead in to the centre of the village, wheeling her suitcase behind her and stopped for a minute outside the gate to Kimberley's cottage that was up for sale next door to hers.

How many nights had they spent in there watching movies and planning their futures? She couldn't count how many exactly, but even as she closed her eyes she could picture the set up of the house the way it used to be a year ago.

Now though, the garden was over run and the house looked like it could have done with a bit of love and attention. Not unlike Cheryl, who heaved a little sigh before carrying on up the road to where she would say goodbye to a few people before getting a taxi to the airport.

She liked her life in the little village, it had a certain amount of privacy to it which meant she wasn't hounded every two minutes by the press, but sometimes it could be lonely. Especially when Kimberley left, it was all she could do to keep herself from leaving the village all together to track her down.

That wouldn't have done either of them any good though, Cheryl realised that it wasn't up to her to decide whether she was a part of the older girl's life. That decision was firmly in Kimberley's hands, and as yet she had decided to stay away.


She sat in her seat on the plane in the VIP section and put her head phones in quickly. The noise of the fast paced music was strangely comforting to her as she let her gaze settle out of the window.

It stopped her from thinking too much. Thinking about Kimberley mostly, and how their argument had spelt the end of five careers together and the end of one very beautiful friendship.

They all had their independent lives now, which was hard to adjust too. She was so used to having four other girls to call on if she had a problem, so used to seeing their faces at least twice a week, so used to their moods and little characteristics...and now it was as if they were distant friends that she hardly ever seen anymore.

An image of Kimberley came in to her head as she closed her eyes to the sound of the passengers getting ready for take off.

Her hair was golden like the sand that they had often walked down, her smile captivating and infectious. Her hair blew lightly against the wind as she walked towards Cheryl on the sandy beach.

She had a black bikini on with a white sarong tied loosely around her waist. Cheryl's eyes flitted ever so quickly down to her waist, admiring the older girls body, her curves so breath taking they could only ever have been sculpted by god.

She opened her eyes quickly and felt the sorrow in her heart return as the image melted away and was replaced by an airhostess asking her to fasten her seat belt.

She sighed to herself and fastened it quickly. The thought of an 11 hour flight with just herself and her destructive thoughts were not sitting very well with her. She turned the music up as far as it would go in the hopes that the annoying sound would drown out her thoughts of Kimberley.


A small patch of turbulence woke her up suddenly. She squinted her eyes, letting them adjust to the harsh lighting before wishing she had never embarked upon this trip in the first place.

She looked at her watch, she had been asleep for an hour. One hour's reprieve from the constant thoughts of Kimberley that seemed to torment her every waking moment.

"how long until we get to LA" she asked to one of the air hostesses who was walking by. "another few hours yet" the woman informed her, Cheryl could tell that the woman seemed to know her, but she couldn't quite place where from.

"thank you" Cheryl smiled and lay her head on the window of the plane. It was dark outside and all she could see was the intermittent flash of the lights at the end of the wing.

The seat next to her was empty. If she was making this trip a year ago, Kimberley would probably be sat there. She would be talking about something mundane to take Cheryl's mind off her mild worry about flying and generally offering some light relief on the long journey.

But as it stood, she was on her own.

When Kimberley left, it was almost as if a part of Cheryl went with her. It was the part she needed the most, her ability to love someone, anyone else but Kimberley.

She had never looked twice at anybody in the year that they had been apart, nobody had turned her head or made her smile. Nobody had given her that excited feeling in the pit of her stomach like Kimberley did.

Everything came back to her.

Every thought that past through her head was somehow linked to the girl Every feeling that she had was because of her, every bit of pleasure she had ever had felt like it was because of her...and now the pain.

Her stomach tightened at the thought of seeing her in a few hours. What would she say to her? Would she even be able to speak? Maybe Kimberley wouldn't want to talk to her?

Cheryl closed her eyes tightly as she thought back to her last words to the girl. She shut them even tighter, hoping that the words would stop resounding in her head. Words that Kimberley had been so hurt by that she had left. She left her whole life behind because of the words that Cheryl couldn't get out of her head.

"I wish I had never met you"

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