Chapter 38

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Kimberley checked her watch for the fortieth time in as many minutes before switching the TV on and settling down in front of it on the sofa. She let her hand fall to her stomach to cover a pain which had started niggling at her earlier during the day, it was a sharp, sickening pain, the unmistakeable feeling of nerves.

The media coverage had been relentless for the past week, so much so that even Cheryl was beginning to feel the pressure. Not a day had gone by when they hadn't taken up a few pages of each tabloid newspaper, each story more absurd than the last.

She had laughed at a few, been mildly interested in others and downright furious at one in particular. Cheryl had told her not to let it bother her, to just shrug it off and not read them, but how could she not read them? Only one newspaper had commented about the rift that had happened between them, and speculated just exactly what had occurred to cause Kimberley to move away and the band to break up.

Maybe she was more angry because it was true, but even so, she added that particular editor on to her list of newspaper editors that she didn't like anymore. It was proving to be quite a long list.

She picked up the remote control and flicked it over to the correct channel and sat back on the sofa, her stomach churning as she seen Cheryl sat on the sofa, looking at her through the tv screen.

It was the first live interview that any of them had done since the story had broke about them, and although Cheryl looked the picture of happiness and calm on the screen, Kimberley could see the tell tale signs of unease and pressure that the rest of the world were not privy too.

It was in the way that she drummed her fingers rapidly on the top of her thigh, the way she shifted in her seat as she waited for the interviewers to say their piece to camera, the way she seemed to look so little and tiny on the big sofa without any help or assistance in what was undoubtedly going to be a tough interview.

Of course Hilary had instructed the interviewers that under no terms must they ask any questions about Kimberley or their relationship, but that didn't mean anything on live tv, when everyone was desperate for that exclusive quote.

Her heart seemed to stop beating as she heard the interviewers introducing Cheryl, and for a second her mind wondered to what normal people were thinking whilst they watched the tv. They would probably be watching to scrutinise what she was wearing, to gossip about whether she had lost more weight, to see if she slipped up and insulted someone, but then again they were watching Cheryl Cole the celebrity, whereas Kimberley was watching Cheryl Cole, her girlfriend.

Her Cheryl...

The first few minutes of the interview went fine, a bit to fine as Kimberley was about to find out. Her heart and stomach had just seemed to find themselves back in their correct locations when suddenly she heard the question that she was dreading.

'and what about Kimberley? She must be helping you during this stressful time?'

Kimberley watched in horror as Cheryl shifted uneasily on the sofa, her smile dropping quickly from her face.

'yes' Cheryl replied quietly, her face suggesting she really wasn't comfortable with the way the interview was going.

Kimberley stood up from the couch and walked over to the tv, reaching her hand out to touch it although she pulled it back straight away, realising how silly it was.

Instead she brought her hands to her mouth and listened intently, hoping Cheryl would have been given an easy ride.

'There has been a lot of speculation in the papers lately' the woman went on, Kimberley was already mentally adding her to her list.

Cheryl took a deep breath in before trying her best to smile at the woman.

"not really" Cheryl replied, much to the bemusement of the interviewer.

"well I mean it isn't speculation, its true. You have your exclusive now so can we move on" Cheryl went on and asked curtly, her tone suggesting she was anything but happy.

"ha" Kimberley shouted at the screen to the woman who was interviewing her, she looked around quickly and felt embarrassed for shouting to the television.

She sat back down on the edge of the couch and watched the rest of the interview which didn't go so badly. Before the interviewers had even finished saying their goodbye pieces to the camera her phone had started vibrating.

"I'm so sorry babe - it just slipped out, she was annoying me" came Cheryl's voice down the phone, she was breathing fast and tripping over her words to get them out.

"its okay Cheryl, it really is...I thought you handled it really well" Kimberley replied, walking over to the tv and switching it off.

"really"? Cheryl asked, seemingly shocked.

"really" Kimberley confirmed with a smile.

"Oh well, in that case I knew exactly what I was saying the whole time" Cheryl replied sarcastically, her voice calming down a little.

"I'm really proud of you Cheryl" Kimberley said quietly, filling the silence that was about to happen.

"stop it...your making me blush" Cheryl replied. Her voice was light and relaxed again, which instantly made Kimberley feel relaxed too.

"I like it when you blush" Kimberley laughed playfully.

"well in that case you can practice tonight" Cheryl shot back, Kimberley smiled as she heard her sexy laugh reaching her ears.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2013 ⏰

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