Chapter 30

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"she definitely knows something Kimberley" Cheryl said through the corner of her mouth as they walked up the high street. They kept a little bit of distance between themselves as they walked by each others side.

The sun was shining, meaning lots of people were out in the pubs and bars that lined the street, and they had already started to get some looks off people who couldn't quite believe they were seeing Cheryl walking up the road.

"is it such a bad thing?" Kimberley asked as they crossed the road.

"yes" Cheryl replied before she had chance to think about what she was saying. She cringed inwardly as she heard it out loud. Kimberley turned around quickly and shot her a look but didn't stop walking.

"Kimberley...I didn't mean that the way it sounded" Cheryl said to the older girl, speeding up so that she could catch her up.

"yes you did" Kimberley replied harshly. She reached the car first and used the key fob to turn off the alarm before opening the drivers side door.

"Kimberley..." Cheryl shouted. She put her hand out and held the door by the frame so that Kimberley couldn't shut it on her.

"does it not scare you?" she said after a moment when she was sure that Kimberley wasn't going to slam the door on her. She neutralised the tome of her voice so that it didn't sound like she was angry or looking for an argument.

Kimberley sighed deeply before choosing her words carefully. "nothing scares me anymore Cheryl...not now I have you" and with that she shut the door and waited for Cheryl to walk around and get in the car.

"I really didn't mean it to come out the way it did Kimberley" Cheryl said upon entering the car. Kimberley nodded but didn't say anything as she started it up.

"its not a bad thing that people know about us, I was just worrying that's all" Cheryl tried again, hoping that Kimberley would speak to her.

"its not going to get any easier than this you know Cheryl. The more time that goes on, the more people that find out, the harder its going to get" Kimberley replied, directing it to Cheryl although she was focusing on the road.

"I know that" Cheryl replied, looking at Kimberley even though the girl wasn't looking back at her. "but are you ready for everyone to find out?"

Kimberley shrugged her shoulders widely and pouted her lips to show Cheryl she wasn't sure.

"there is a part of me that wants to keep you all to myself because I know that once it gets out, we will ever be able to do this kind of stuff ever again" Cheryl said, trying to explain to Kimberley what she meant when she said she didn't want people to know about them.

"but..." Kimberley replied, sensing that Cheryl hadn't quite finished.

"but then there is a part of me that wants to show you off" Cheryl said with a smile, feeling her cheeks blush a little.

Kimberley smiled too, despite herself and relented before turning briefly to Cheryl, before returning her gaze back to the road.


Kimberley sat down in one of the large comfortable chairs in the living room and waited until Cheryl walked past before she grabbed the girls hand and pulled her towards the chair.

Cheryl let herself fall on to Kimberley's lap and rested her hand around her shoulder. "you okay babe?" she asked as she rested her head on Kimberley's shoulders and breathed in the scent of her familiar perfume.

"tired" Cheryl muttered, letting herself relax on to the chair, safe in Kimberley's arms.

"too tired to give me my present?" Kimberley asked, raising her eyebrow suggestively. Cheryl pulled her head up off the girl's shoulder and smiled before letting her hand tangle in Kimberley's long hair.

"well I'm not that tired" Cheryl replied, a cheeky glint forming in her eye.

She climbed off the chair and made her way to the stairs before looking back to see if Kimberley was looking or not.

"I'll be up in a minute" she smiled before watching Cheryl saunter up the stairs. She grabbed the keys and shut the door, turning out the lights as she went.

She opened the bedroom door and frowned when she seen that Cheryl wasn't in bed. "Cheryl" she shouted before noticing the light on in the en suite.

She slipped out of her dress and in to her nighty before getting in bed, wondering what was taking Cheryl so long.

She needn't have worried however because no sooner was she in bed, the door to the bathroom opened and Cheryl came out in her bath robe and leaned against the frame seductively.

The sight alone was enough to stop Kimberley in her tracks, who was busily plumping up her pillows.

She swallowed hard whilst she watched Cheryl making her way slowly over to the bed, not letting her eyes leave the girl for even a moment.

Cheryl let her hand rest on the tie belt of the robe before climbing on the bed and laughing a little seeing the reaction she was having from Kimberley.

Kimberley lay down on the bed as Cheryl positioned herself sat straddling the older girls stomach. She looked at her for a while, taking in the familiar features of her face, even though she had seen them a thousand times and then winked when she met the girls gaze.

Kimberley let her hands fall on to Cheryl's thighs and she left them their for a second before reaching up and pulling at the tie belt on Cheryl's robe.

She smiled to herself as the robe fell around Cheryl and down to the bed, leaving Cheryl in her underwear.

Cheryl laughed as she watched Kimberley's eyes flick over her body before coming to rest on her chest. She licked her lips subconsciously before tearing her eyes away from where they really wanted to be and looking up at Cheryl.

"wow" was all she could muster from her lips as she closed her eyes to see if the vision of Cheryl would still be there when she opened them.

And sure enough when she opened them, the sight she seen was even better than her dreams.

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