Part 1- MadMax

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Loris POV

Today is Max and I first day at Hawkins Middle School, I can't tell if I'm nervous or excited or both, I know Max isn't excited, she isn't very social and prefers small group settings, I am complete opposite, the more friends the better. To be honest even though we are identical twins we certainly don't have identical personalities, I for one am a massive nerd and I'm not afraid to show it, I would say I am easy to approach and I make friends easily, I am very caring especially towards my sisters.

I always keep an eye out for Max, she likes to follow trouble or trouble likes to follow her, I don't know. Max is more shy and she definitely isn't easy to approach, people like to think of her as the mean twin, I don't agree at all though, sure Max had a tough shell but once you cracked it she was a whole other person, very loyal, caring, funny, very few people ever see the real Max. Me, Taylor, Ziggy, Dad and her old best friend Sam. Ever since Mom married Neil Max has been very cold towards her, don't get me wrong Neil is an ass but what's even worse is his crazy son Billy.

Anyways Max and I are currently sitting at the dining table finishing off our breakfasts, our Mom just broke the news that Billy is going to be driving us to school.

"Why can't Taylor just drive us???" I groan,

"You and Maxine need to bond with Billy!" My mom hands us two brown lunch bags,

"What about Ziggy?" I say as I grab them,

"You know Christine, she won't listen to me!" Mom says,

"This is such bullshit" Max rolls her eyes,

"MAXINE!" Neil our slaps her across the face, he is an alcoholic and can become very violent when fully intoxicated, 

"Apologise now!" He yells, Max rolls her eyes and just storms out the door,

"go with your brother" He yells, I glare at Neil before following after her, 

"let me see it" I bend down next to her, she lifts her head up and I see the red mark,

"it's okay max" I pull her in and hug her,


"Coming!" I call out as I grab Max's hand.

Ziggys POV

"Ziggy wake up" Taylor shakes me,

"Fuck off Tay I am sleeping" I push her,

"We have school dumbass" She yanks the covers off,

"Taylor! Christine!" Mom calls from downstairs,

"Shit" I get out of bed and quickly change before we rush downstairs,

"Morning girls" Susan hands us lunch bags,

"Thanks Mom" Taylor smiles and I just glare at her, I'm still mad about her leaving Dad, he truely loved her and she decided to leave him for Neil?

"Where's Max and Lori?" Taylor asks,

"Billy took them to school" My mom replies,

"Little shits I say!" Neil growls,

"Don't call them that" I snap,

"Don't talk to me like that!" Neil stands up towering over me,

"Cmon Zig let's go" Taylor grabs my hand and yanks me out the door,

"Such an asshole" I mutter as I get into the passenger seat of Taylors car,

"I hope Max and Lori got to school okay" Taylor sighs,

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