Part 3- The Pollywog

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Max's POV

I was skating around the empty streets at night, I felt the California breeze through my hair, up ahead I could see a man skating, I couldn't see who he was but I knew. These were the days I missed, late night adventures with Dad before everything back when I was happy, when we all were. A big happy family-

"Maxine!" Neil slammed his fist on the table snapping me out of my daydream, back to the cold hard reality of me sitting in a shitty dining room in a shitty house with my shitty stepdad at 7.09am. Taylor and Lori had left for their 'Wednesday morning library trip bullshit' so it was just me, Ziggy, Mom and the Hargroves.

"Reply to your Mother when she talks to you!" He yells,

"Sorry" I mumble,

"It's sorry sir!" He slaps me,

"And stop mumbling" He grabs another beer from the fridge,

"Babe can you help me with the bills for a sec" My Mom asks, I thought I could vomit right there and then when she called him babe,

"Shut it Susan, how bout you get Maxine to do something!" He says,

"I'm going to work" Mom packs up her stuff,

"great, you can drop me at the bar" Neil another beer and follows my Mom,

"Maxine get Billy to take you to school, Christine stayed over at her friends house last night so it's just you two"  My Mom says,

"Can't I just come with you?" I ask,

"BILLY TAKE MAXINE TO SCHOOL WITH YOU" Neil yells before ushering Mom out the door,

"You better have your shit ready because we are leaving now" Billy grumbles.

Taylors POV

"Soooo how was last night?" I ask,

"Pretty fun we got tons of candy" Lori beams,

"Were the boys nice?" I smirk,

"Yea they're pretty nerdy but I think it's cute" 

"Oooo someones got a crush?" 

"No!" Lori's face goes red,

"Tell me Lori oh my gosh!"

"Fine, well his name is Dustin and he's really sweet and cute and funny and nice" She admits,

"Dustin? Weird name but he must be pretty cute if he's up to your standards, are you going to ask him out?" I ask,

"No way Taylor! I just met him like 3 days ago!"

"What about Max? Has she got a crush?" I ask,

"Not sure but theres Dustins friend Lucas who has a massive crush on Max" Lori giggles,

"Two little California cuties getting all the boys" I laugh,

"Well how about YOU!" Lori wiggles her eyebrows,

"No I haven't met anyone cute yet, all the boys here are kind of duds" I sigh,

"That's boring" Lori says,

"We best get going anyways I want to be at school before Ziggy and Max to make sure they made it there okay" I grab my bag and we head out to the car,

"Make sure you point out Dustin to me if you see him" I chuckle as I start to drive,

"Okay but you can't tell Ziggy or Max! They will make fun of me" Lori groans,

"I don't think so, I'm pretty sure Ziggy's crushing on someone too" 

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