Telling the Big Dog

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I woke up that morning and smelled my mom cooking something. It was on the top of my tongue and I could feel the taste in my mouth. My mouth started to watering and them I felt my stomach get twisted in a knot. I quickly ran to the bathroom and puked out my lungs. I got back up washed out my mouth and brushed my teeth and went downstairs to eat. The food was great I said to my mom putting my plate in the sink. I ran upstairs and called Mya. I told her to come over quick. Se only lived like three blocks away. She was there quick. I told her my feet hurt, my stomach is getting bigger, and I've threw up this morning. Oh and yeah I been craving donuts and peanut butter. This is weird I said. Then Myas eyes got really wide. She told me to go to the store and get a pregnancy test. Pssh no honey I am not pregnant I responded. You never know. We sat there for like five more minutes debating weather I should go or not. In the end I ended getting a pregnancy test. We both walked into the store and I grabbed one off the self and put it on the counter. The woman looked at me and said aren't you a little to young to be buying one of these. I just threw the money down and grabbed the test and went outside. When I got home I ran straight to the bathroom and opened the box for the test. I peed on all three of them. I looked on the internet and seem it would take about five to nine mins to complete so me and Mya just waited. After a while I picked up one of the sticks and it had read a little plus sign. I was pacing back and forth telling myself don't panic don't panic. Then I read the other two the both said the same thing. I busted out in tears. I already knew who the father was and I was so sad because I though he was going
to leave me. You need to tell your mom said Mya really fast. How I said. Just tell her now so you can get it over with. " but she will get mad at me and probably put me out and then where am i gonna live" I said. Mya said " you can come and live with me ok" "OK" I say. I wrapped the back in the paper and the box threw it in the bathroom trashcan. I started walking down stairs and i seen my mama run upstairs and run into the bathroom yelling move mve i gotta mother fucking piss. Then when she got in there i heard her say Monica Nicole Grace Davis get you ass in here that's when i felt my stomach drop. OH MY GOD WHAT ID GOING TO HAPPEN LOL A/N I am really proud of myself i wrote a long chapter plez vote and comment byee essie

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