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We are a warrior race
I am a fusion of twins

We see the power if super saiyan 4 and the fusion of twin pups both at queen form ready to fight no holding back.

So issei this was your key? Kai asks intrigued by the amount of power.
Kinda see just let shallot explain his power because rias, kai both of you are going to see what a 10,000 year old saiyan can do when he walks down the path of his race from divinity and primal power.. Both at once. Issei says shocking the two as they watch shallot and fenrin.

So shallot is your true power? Fenrin asks aa shallot lets out his power.
No not exactly you see super saiyan god is more my heritage and my comrades, that form needed 5 other saiyans to help me at the begining but since me and my brother are descendants of true and first super saiyan god we only needed the form to activate once and then we controlled it completely.
However super saiyan 4 is the primal saiyan power using my pride,emotions and last but not least my own will to go beyond ssj3 thus me and my twin both have two roads to walk one divine and one is saiyan will. Shallot says making fenris grin.

Ok if that's your power of primal roots haha i cant wait to see your full power!! Fenrin yells rushing at the new shallot with a fury of blows but shallot was now blocking them with no problem until he keeps up the rapid amout of attack with fenrin using his sword to strike however shallot blocks it with his fingers almost breaking it with the Shockwaves of energy.

How the hell you blocked my power with your fingers!!!? Fenrin says confused as shallot breaths in and breaths out. You two are alot stronger now but if you can't beat me then... Get out of my ring!!!. Shallot yells as he punches fenrin in the gut and then kicking him towards the ground as the fusion falls shallot builds up energy in his hand firing a ssj4 wild cannon right at the fusion.

No.. No no.. I.. I I WON'T LOSE TO YOU!!!!! Fnerin yells getting back into battle pushing against the wild cannon.
EAT THSI ZERO REFLECTOR. He says as a shield of ice and energy pushes against the wild cannon but shallot is shocked but not by the blast shield but by fenrin his hair spike up and black and gold electricity sparks form and his arms bulk up and groe claws and fur and his eyes have a spark of red in them as he breaks shallots atttack to show fenrin in a new look.

What the hell was that? Kai and issei say as they both are confused by the new look..
Well lookie here seems like someone broke through his limits. Shallot says hovering in front of fenrin.
I know it seems like you made me push myself to magic and power i never knew i had and judging by the look and power of the form fixing human and wolf let's call this.. PRIME WOLF!!!! Fenrin yells letting out large amounts of power has he froze the ground below him. Well shall we go all out? Shallot said reaching out for a fist bump.
Hell yeah we are the gods of potential after all. Fenrin says fisting bumping shallot as the two then fly back.

As they flew back they let out all there powet clashing at each other while all from the teams and crowds were in shock by the power they let out causing shockwaves and each collision caused cracks in the world as one punch caused power to break through both of the. This is incredible but don't let you gaurd down fenrin says grabbing shallot tail with his other hand throwing him back and cuffing both his arms and then moving them outwards as lightning flashed as in his left arm was fire and right was ice both with thunder.

NOW EAT THIS SHALLOT INFERNO BLIZARD!!! Fenris yelled blast shallot with a fire and ice thunderstorm combo and has the attack hit all we hear is a large yell and blue light. Haha seems like he lost issei. Kai says has issei then laughs as the blue light grew and felt holy but also full of rage. You see kai your fighter did the same for mine because we are about to see a form i haven't even seen shallot use. Issei says as the smoke clears to all shock we see shallot with blue hair and his armor blown off.

CREEPING CRIMSON NIGHTMARE(betrayed issei)Where stories live. Discover now