The Hike - KARLNAP

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Je te laisserai des mots - Patrick Watson

For Karl, today was just like any other day. Except just a week ago his friend Punz recommended a new park that he claimed is perfect for hiking, and it's only about an hour away, so of course he planned today for a trip.

"Come on Karlll, it'll be fun" Punz pushed.

"I don't know... hiking has never really been my thing. I've heard too many horror stories."

"You'll be fine. You're not stupid like some of those people who go out to those really dangerous places."

"This whole world is dangerous."

Punz laughed. "You know what i mean"


"You're usually all about trying new things!"

Karl woke up bright and early this morning. The sun is barely awake, the birds are starting to chirp outside, and he was greeted by the sweet, warm summer air. This has always been Karl's favorite time of year because he looks forward to going on his own little adventures.

After a quick stretch and a time check, Karl jumped out of bed and reached for a clean outfit for today. He went to the bathroom and took a shower then finished up his morning routine. Karl went back into his room and packed a bag of everything he needed for today, then grabbed his keys and hit the road.

While on the road, Karl decided it would be a good idea to grab a quick breakfast. Being one of the cheapest, fastest places to get food from, he decided to go with McDonalds. "It's not quite as good as chipotle but... it'll do." He said as he pulled into the drive thru and went through the order process. After securing his food, he drove his car over to a free space and parked. He decided to eat it first before getting back onto the road, and to make sure to call Punz and let him know he's headed that way. Karl opened up the contacts on his phone, scrolled to punz's name, and hit call. After a few rings, he picked up.

"Hey what's up, man?"

"Hey nothing much, just wanted to let you know i'm on my way to that new park you recommended me too. Gonna get some hiking in today."

"Yo, really you're doing it? That's sick! Have fun dude."

"Thank you. I'm about to start the drive after i eat some breakfast. It's just a little over an hour."

"Be safe dude, let me know when you get there"

"I will, i will, thanks man!"

And with that, the call ended and Karl ate his breakfast then put the parks address in his GPS and began his ride.

About 45 minutes into the drive, Karl came upon a serious traffic jam. Everyone is at a complete stand still and traffic is backed up for as far as he can see, which... isn't very far coming from his eyes. But it's far.

"Shoot. Their must have been a wreck or something."

Karl exited out of the gps and checked the Waze app, which reported a wreck. The news says traffic is also backed up for miles and the highway is about to be closed. Maybe this is a sign.

"Well i guess i'll have to re-route."

Just as Karl thought about re-routing, he looked up to notice cars in-front of him pulling out of the line and turning around. He decided to do the same. He re entered the parks Address and chose a different route to take, then followed the others and made his way off the highway to continue.

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