The Future : Dream Team

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!!!! Fan art cred: rumor_bleh on Twitter !!!!

( Monday, Aug 14 )

It was the first day of school for the year. It was still bright and early, and the weather was pretty nice. At least what you would normally expect for North Carolina weather. Dream was starting his Senior year of highschool today, and little did he know it would be one of the best school years he has ever had.

Dream was a popular kid in school. He had good looks, good grades, and was on the schools Varsity Football team. Not many hated him. Football practice had just ended for Dream. Their was a 5 minute intermission between classes so he walked through the halls to his locker, laughing with his teammates along the way. Some of them he already knew, some he had just met, but they all seemed pretty cool. As he approached it, Dream parted ways with the rest of his team. He opened up his locker and tossed his bag in, and in one swift motion, he grabbed what he needed for the next class. Dream shut the locker door and headed to class. He walked in and looked around. He immediately spotted Punz sitting in the back, who he had gone to school with the previous year, and took a seat next to him. He felt comfortable there.

"Hey Punz" Dream turned to him and gave him a polite smile.
"Hey man what's up?"
"My friend Nick's birthday party is Wednesday night and he invited me. I know it's just the first day of school and all, and you may not have even met him yet but he said i could bring a friend. He's pretty cool and i think you two would get along pretty well, so i wanted to know if you're up for it?"
"Yeah of course, what time does the party start?"
"8 o'clock. You got a ride?"
"I'll just take my skateboard if it's not that far"
"Alright, i'll text ya the address and everything after school."
"Sounds good to me" Punz gave him a content smile.

Time rolled by and this class period ended. Dream and Punz walked out of class together, and parted ways as they made it into the hallway. Dream went to his locker and made the switch, gathered his things for the next class then headed out to find Sapnap. He found Sapnap at his locker and walked up to him. They had a short conversation about the party, and how Punz had accepted the invite to Sapnap's party. They wanted to make sure they were on the same page that way their was no confusion about the events that would take place later that week. The bell for the start of the next period was about to ring, so Dream said his goodbyes to Sapnap and went to his next class. The one he dreaded the most today, the one he know's he'll dread the whole year, Algebra.

Dream walked into class dreadfully. He looked around and realized he didn't recognize anyone in this class. "Great" he mumbled under his breath. He huffed in annoyance. It was just another minor thing to make Dream dread this class even more. Or so he thought.

Dream walked to the back of the classroom and took a seat. He started opening his text books and notebooks to prepare for everything he would do this period, when a boy with brunette hair just long enough to block his eye sight if he moved it the right way, wearing a tan sweater and black jeans, walked into the classroom and took a seat right next to Dream.

Dream couldn't help but look over slightly to see if just maybe one of his friends that he knew the previous school year had just sat down next to him, but that was not the case. He didn't recognize this boy either. Dream went back to doing his work, and it wasn't long before the boy had tapped Dream on the shoulder, causing Dream to stop doing what he was doing and look over at him.

"Hey, i forgot to bring a pencil. Do you happen to have one i could borrow?" the boy whispered to Dream. Dream was caught off guard. He had to do a double take. This boy wasn't from here, he had a British accent. Dream nodded "yeah! Here let me grab it". Dream put his things down and reached into his bag. He grabbed an extra pencil and handed it to the boy. The boy smiled and thanked Dream. "Of course!" Dream gave him a polite smile and went back to doing his work.

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