Thought you were gone. | DNF

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TW: Hallucinations, Possible derealization

Dreams POV


I've been alive for 157 years and I've never truly gotten used to that feeling.

That feeling of losing everyone I've ever cared about. In many ways. Some in sick, twisted, dark ways. Some left, some were killed. Burned alive, steaked, bitten by someone or something that gave them a god forsaken deadly curse that they didn't ask for.

My story is a little different. 137 years ago, my life was changed forever. One bite changed the trajectory of my life forever.

I don't have many people to talk to, or even have a place to truly call home. My parents? Are dead. Most of my ancestors? Dead. My little sister... well.. it's complicated. Yeah, I was born in this town. I've lived here in Pennsylvania my whole life, almost as long as the founders of this town. I have a house here,

but I've always found myself on the run.

On the run to keep my secret hidden. Not only from [him.], but from the others like him as well.

I've moved cities, states, even counties once in a blue moon, sometimes multiple a day. Just last week I traveled to New York, all the way to Los Angeles, then to Canada and back. All in 12 hours. You'd be surprised how fast I can move. My ability is quite powerful. I do what I've constantly seemed to had to do to keep my true identity from being seen by the wrong people. Even though keeping this to myself has caused me to lose everything.

Over, and over, and over again.

Being a living embodiment of this secret, this terrible burden, has made me lose everything. Even the person who still means the universe to me.

There was a time when things were easier. I never really let the fact that I'm a vampire bother me, at least not as much as I have over the last 137 years it wasn't as painful to deal with before I turned my humanity back on and let myself feel emotions.

Everything changed from the moment I got bit. The night that I just turned 20 years old I went out to party that night I was unwillingly, turned into a vampire in my life was changed forever. It changed again when I met this one person.

137 years ago, I knew this guy. We met, fell in love, we even dated for about three years. It was great. Although I lived with the girl of knowing I shouldn't have let that happen, knowing the super natural barrier between us.

But I craved. I craved, and craved, and craved anything that made me feel "normal".
I've never liked a lot of the vampire nature. The burning in the sun, having to wear these rings to keep me protected, having a blood diet, hunting. I still to this day don't like any of it, but he was my escape from reality. The only thing that made me feel even the smallest ounce of human. I craved him. He made me feel.

Until I never saw him again.

We were in a field of dandelions in sunflowers the last day I had with him

It was perfect. Between him and his skin so pale, it looked to be almost porcelain like, or milky, his beautiful, chocolate, brown eyes, and his soft brunette hair that drip down to just above his and the scenery around us, I was in heaven.

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