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Everly-Rose finished the last bite of her salad and looked down t the fingers she was fidgeting under the table, trying to avoid the intense gaze from the suited Original

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Everly-Rose finished the last bite of her salad and looked down t the fingers she was fidgeting under the table, trying to avoid the intense gaze from the suited Original.

"I don't think I've ever asked before," Elijah started, making Everly glanced at him out of courtesy, "How have you been doing? With the supernaturals."

Elijah was more considerate than Everly thought as a thousand year-old vampire with superior abilities than every vampire in the world. Although his consistent attention on her made her slightly uncomfortable, he would take over the conversation when she had her mouthful or call the waitress to refill her glass of water. Even now, when he said he wanted to know more about her, Everly thought it would be an interrogative form of conversation with her answering every little questions about herself and the plans Elena and the Salvatores were planning, not that she knew much. She only knew that Tyler was a werewolf, and Elena and Stefan had gone on some 'timeouts' as Damon put it. She believed Elijah would already know that. 

"I think I've adjusted pretty well," Everly answered, meeting his gaze, "I've known vampires, witches, and werewolves exist. Elena, Caroline and Bonnie have been keeping me updated with their latest news, and Kathie has been keeping me company if she wasn't busy bickering and having mind games with Stefan."

"Kathie?" Elijah furrowed his eyebrows in puzzlement.

A sheepish smile appeared on her face, realizing she had accidentally blurted out the nicknames, "That's short for Katherine."

"Where does this.....creative sobriquet came from?" He asked, intrigued.

"Well, because Katherine is bored," Everly emphasized, earning an amused smile from the Original, "And I've been having a bit of sleeping issues, so I often grabbed my Ollie and went cuddle with her in the tomb."

Elijah raised his eyebrows, "Ollie?"

"What? Please don't tell me you never named your blanket when you were young," He shook his head, and suddenly feeling offended, she exclaimed in a low voice, "It's a really comfy neon blue blankets and it's large enough to fit two people. I mean, what blanket are able to do that?"

"Please continue," Another smile made its way onto Elijah's lips, which seemed to be appearing a little bit more frequent this afternoon.

"One morning, I woke up and saw Katherine wasn't in the room with me, which I later know she was deeper in the cave to change clothes. I was half-asleep back then and three syllable words were apparently too challenging for me. And that's how Kathie created because '-rine' was an extra syllable."

Elijah looked at Everly for a moment and loud laughters erupted from his chest, earning himself a few stares from the other customers and turning Everly's face bright red. 

"I apologizes for my behavior, Everly. But this has been the first time in centuries since I've been this delighted," He said, drinking on the water as he tried to hide the smile on his face.

[Completed] Everly-Rose [1] | Elijah MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now