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"Thank you so much."

"You are not well," Elijah started, glancing at the blonde human girl beside him who was staring fixedly at the flower on the ground, "Your heartbeat is faster than before

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"You are not well," Elijah started, glancing at the blonde human girl beside him who was staring fixedly at the flower on the ground, "Your heartbeat is faster than before. It is making you a bit breathless."

After a long moment of internal debate, Everly frankly said, "You're right," She met his concerned eyes, "I got a bit worse when you were...........sleeping. I had a heart attack. It wasn't a full one since my pacemaker did an extraordinary job, but it did make some damage that I'm still trying to recover from."

"What happened?"

"Someone set fire in the Grill and you know how my dad died," He nodded and she explained causally, leaving out most details of that traumatizing incident, "The whole event triggered my panic attacks, and one thing led to another, next time I open my eyes, I was in the hospital."

"Who set the fire?" Elijah asked, a murderous glint flashed so quickly in his eyes as if it was never there before.

"It's karma really......."

His questioning gaze pressed her to continue as tension fell between them, with the two acquaintances becoming engrossed in a staring contest. Everly ultimately diverted her gaze away and sighed in defeat, blurting out, "It was your witch! Your witch Jonas that started the fire. He wanted to offer Elena to Klaus himself and try to catch her in the Grill." 

Elijah's eyes widened in shock and she could see the guilt slowly seeping into his eyes, then she quickly added, "But he did that because we daggered you. If we didn't dagger you, then none of it would happen. So it's just the consequences of our actions............ It is not your fault."

Elijah was once again surprised by her words, at how accurately she was able to detect his emotions. He had been dagger for too long that he had forgotten just how smart the young human girl beside him was, and it sometimes unnerved him, threatened, even. He felt like an open book in front of her and it made him insecure and murderous, though he wouldn't be able to bring himself to do so. It would be a monstrous atrocity.

"I can see the guilt in your eyes, Elijah," Everly answered his unasked question.

Elijah let out a light laugh, "You are incredibly observant and one peculiar person. Humans have the tendency to avoid responsibility and accountability, but you just.....grab onto them even when you are the victim."

"But I am responsible. Maybe not fully, but partially. I knew my friends were trying to kill you but I didn't stop them. That's on me and I'm sorry."

"I am too accountable for causing you harm, after all, it is because of me that Jonas went rabid."

"I'm incredibly sorry." They said in unison.

Silence suddenly fell on them as they met each others' eyes. After a long pause, they simultaneously laughed. Their laughters were quiet and reserved, and their eyes were sparkled with joy.

[Completed] Everly-Rose [1] | Elijah MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now