This court has decided its sentence (Raziel's Misery, part 2)

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"Uriel, I-I'm so sorry" Raziel tried to speak "I never tought this would happen"


"Uriel's right" Micheal said "As much as I hate to admit, what you have done is worse than what Lucipher did, taking into account Lilith's manipulation and the threat posed to us in case Victor ever decided to attack us."

"I-" Raziel tried to say before the door of the Archangel Council's room opened as Raphael stumbled in. He was exhausted from crying, and had clearly flown into a pillar or something else. Remiel ran to hold him as Raphael pointed a finger at Raziel "You."

"It's your fault. You killed Victor when you made him omniscient. I hate you."

"I believe" Ramiel said "That Raziel needs to pay for this crime."

"You've got to be kidding Remiel" Gabriel said "It's clear Raziel has no blame here-"

"I agree with Remiel" Micheal said "I summon the Heavenly Council to judge the crime of Raziel, Honorary Archangel and Angel of Knowledge"

Honorary Archangel...

It had been thousands of years since Raziel last heard someone call him by that title. Everyone had accepted him as a part of the Council long ago. But as he saw Raphael fly up to the seat he once had, he couldn't help but be afraid for what comes next.

"The Heavenly Tribunal is here today to judge Raziel" Micheal said "Who is accused of high treason by turning a human into a God"

"Not to mention creating abominations such as us, Guardian Angels that are left alone" Uriel continued "I am broken Raziel. It's your fault"

"I'm sorry Uriel" Raziel tried to say "I just-"

"ΣΙΛΕΝΧΕ" Uriel screamed "You do not have a saying in what this court sentences."

The Voice. A sound so innatural, it forced you to do what it said. Raziel was so used to being on the other side, he never tought about what it would feel like to be spoken to like that. But now he knew.

"I, Archangel Raphael, vote Raziel to be Guilty" Raphael said.

"I, Archangel Reguel, vote Raziel to be Innocent" Reguel continued.

"I, Archangel Zerachiel, vote Raziel to be Innocent" Zerachiel said.

"I, Archangel Micheal, vote Raziel to be Guilty" Micheal deadpanned.

"I, Archangel Gabriel, vote Raziel to be Innocent" Gabriel said "Come on guys, you don't really wanna-"

"I, Archangel Remiel, vote Raziel to be Guilty" Remiel interrupted.

Uriel looked at Raziel and mouthed the words "I hate you" 

"I, Archangel Uriel, vote Raziel to be Guilty"

"Raziel has been ruled as Guilty" Micheal said "Thus, he will recieve the punishment for the crime of high treason and be banished from Heaven, to never come back"

Raziel's heart sunk. They wouldn't do this, wouldn't they?

But the worst was yet to come.

"I say this is not enough" Uriel spoke up "He needs to feel the same pain he made us feel"

"What do you suggest?" Micheal asked, afraid of what he might hear.

"I suggest that Raziel is removed from the role of Guardian Angel" Uriel said "And I approve my sanction"

Raziel felt terrified.

No, please he begged inside his head I already lost my home, my friends and my library, the last memory of my late wife, and now you want to take Jimmy, the only person I have left, away? Please, don't do this

"I, Archangel Raphael, approve Uriel's sanction" Raphael said

"I, Archangel Remiel, approve Uriel's sanction" Remiel followed

"I, Archangel Zerachiel, disapprove Uriel's sanction" Zerachiel said

"I, Archangel Reguel, disapprove Uriel's sanction" Reguel continued

"I, Archangel Gabriel, disapprove Uriel's sanction. Please Michel, come to your senses" Gabriel pleaded "This is too much-"

"What are you waiting for, Micheal?" Uriel asked "Approve my sanction so that we can get this done"

Micheal looked unsure, so Uriel spoke again "What is it? Our so-called leader isn't unable to go trough with the choices he made? Maybe that's why God loved Lucipher, his own brother, more than him"

Micheal became enraged but quickly shook it off "You should've said that differently, but you're right. I, Archangel Micheal, approve Uriel's sanction"

"And with that" Gabriel said in a shaky tone "This court has decided its sentence. Raziel, you are to be stripped of your rank and your role as a Guardian angel and to be banished to Earth, where you shall spend the rest of your life." He then whispered "I'm so sorry" and looked down in shame.

Raziel also looked down as the ground below him broke, sending him crashing into Earth.

At the Dreadfort, Jimmy was in Hurricane's arms, crying for the loss of his father and brother, and suddendly felt something break inside him. He just started to cry even more as a new angel took Raziel's place.

And Raziel laid in the hole he created when he impacted the Earth "What reason do I have to get up either way?"

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