Incident 3nt1t1-303

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De Animarum Domino, part one

475 years After Founding

Today our Founder has left us, to return to the future where he belongs. He has informed us that in twenty-five years he will return, but not as the godly being he was when he founded the MPD, but as a cyborg like most of us. To properly welcome him and surprise him we have started a project known as Project 3nt1t1, which consists of creating five hundred creatures, each wielding control over a different aspect of reality, in order to create an unbeatable army to bring order to the multiverse. Today marks the approval of the project and the start of the research.

480 years After Founding

Today, project 3nt1t1 has been confirmed as a success, at least partially. While we have succeded in creating sentient being with control over various aspects of reality, these beings seem to not have any kind of intelligence, nor do they have a constant physical form. Further studies must be done to determine what these creatures actually are, and what can they do.

481 years After Founding

We finally figured It out. They're not beings, they're concepts, ideas. It seems that the space between multiverses Is far too hinospitable to allow the creation of life even in this protected place. Further studies will be done to determine if these creatures are able to learn and develop an intelligence.

489 years After Founding

I am here to report on the concerning behaviour of Concept 3nt1t1-303. It seeme to have developed some form of intelligence, something none of our other concepts have done so far. Not only that, but with this intelligence 3nt1t1-303 has begun showing hostility towards us. It seems to long for freedom, and sees us as its captors, as the ones standing between it and the life it deserves. Even more worringly, 3nt1t1-303 is one of our strongest concepts to date, being able to control souls. These events have caused the proposal to create a second batch of five hundred concepts to recieve a skeptical answer, especially since this second batch would hold significantly more power as It would contain concepts who can control Creation and Destruction. Further studies will reveal what will become of 3nt1t1-303 and what will happen with the proposed new batch of concepts.

490 years After Founding

Today 3nt1t1-303 attempted to escape. It breached containment and made a run for the exit. Luckily it was caught in time, otherwise we might have lost it forever. The proposal to create the new concepts has been put on hold and awaits approval or denial from the Founder when he eventually returns. In its almost-five hundred year run, the MPD has not failed once, and we are not about to fail this project.

492 years After Founding

3nt1t1-303 is dead.

In the past two years, 3nt1t1-303 has made multiple attempts to escape, failing time after time after time. Until today, when once out of its cell, 3nt1t1-303 ripped out the soul of one of our agents and stole his weapon -a scythe- before using it to kill the other agents sent to stop it. For the first time in history, blood was spilled in this building, supposed to be a beacon of peace and safety for all of the Omniverse. Today, we allowed something- one of our own creations- to hurt us and breach our defenses. Today, we failed.

After murdering the agents, 3nt1t1-303 exited our station, dissolving immediatly after the unprotected contact with what is InBetween. Honestly, this is probably for the better tough. 3nt1t1-303 was a failure from the beginning due to its hostile behaviour. We feared it might one day lead other concepts in a rebellion against us. We now know that won't happen, but no one will return the lives taken today.

498 years After Founding

Other concepts are starting to manifest aggressive behaviour. Once this happens, they are immediatly separated from the others and carefully locked away. We cannot allow what happened with 303 to happen again. We just have to hope that our founder will be able to fix this once he return, and that we can hold out that long.

500 years After Founding

Today our Founder has returned, without any memory of us. After we informed him on the workings of the MPD, we introduced him to Project 3nt1t1. We gave him a list of all the Concepts, which displayed their powers and their location. He then noticed that 3nt1t1-303 was marked as "Terminated" and asked us how we managed to kill a concept. We told him what happened, and he paled. He informed us that 3nt1t1-303 did not die, as concepts can survive InBetween and travel trough universes and multiverses. He explained to us that by allowing 3nt1t1-303 to escape we unleashed it like a plague upon all universes. He told us to find a way to terminate the remaining Concepts and to close Project 3nt1t1 permanently. We tought we failed, but it's so, so much worse than we tought.

503 years After Founding

We terminated the Concepts. Project 3nt1t1 is officially closed, and marked as our first true and complete failure.

What have we done?

A/N: This is insight not only on Entity-303, but on every variant of him! Also this MPD is not the one we've seen so far, it's the original group founded by Victor0. The one we've seen is just a branch of this central authority. What do you think?

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