Chapter 3 - Almost Dragon

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"Hey, did you hit your head or something? You haven't given me a clear answer on why you're helping me escape. And 'getting even' isn't a good response." Winter badgered the Jaws of Thorn as they zig-zagged through the corridors on silent talons.

"It's true," the Sandwing insisted. "We've lost enough innocent dragons to war. We've lost 34 Sandwings in the past year! I was friends with some of them."

Winter hesitated. His claws dug into grooves in the tile. "Why are you telling me this?"

"Because I don't want you to be one of them. Watch your claws;" he explained, guiding Winter. "Some of these tiles are dedicated to Sandwings. See?"

Winter glanced down. Barely readable in the faint glow of night, he managed to read the smooth engraved sandstone words of, 'In memory of General Six-Claws.  5,013 A.S.'

Squinting, Winter spotted a few other sporadically placed memorial tiles ahead. Some were aquamarine, others malachite. The effect was a distinct, brightly colored hallway; impossible to ignore.

In memory of Onyx

in memory of Camel

"Hopefully this war ends soon." The Jaws of Thorn smiled grimly. "Otherwise, walks through the palace are bound to get gloomier."

"Feel free to surrender." Winter sniffed; eyes glued towards the multicolored stones. Privately, Winter drank in the depressing atmosphere through his mind. Was it possible that Icewings were to blame for this morbid ray of rainbow?

Even deeper, in depths Winter dared not explore, was a newfound sympathy for the Sandwings. It was obvious to Winter these tablets were adoringly made.

Would any dragon make one for Winter if he died?

Winter glanced at the Jaws of Thorn, who diligently wove Winter between the stones and up a spiraling staircase. So far, he was keeping his promise. Against all odds, Winter was safe.

The Sandwings would dedicate a tablet to him, Winter decided.

Once they duo reached the upmost peak of the pavilion, the Jaws of Thorn turned to him, careful not to nudge his horns against the low roof.

"We're here," he announced, sweeping a wing towards the sprawling desert. Through wide-open archway's, Winter paused. It was unexpectedly serene, animals howled quietly in the distance, shifting sands blew gently. Winter counted only one moon left in the sky. He had to leave now.

"Thank you." Winter said unsurely, the words rolled like mush around in his mouth, unaccustomed to having his life saved. He felt terribly undignified and exposed.

"You're welcome." the Jaws of Thorn bowed mockingly. "Make sure to tell your higgledy-piggledy friends that the Jaws of Thorn respects royalty." He laughed.

Winter spread his wings. Just go! His mind ushered him. Leave before he changes his mind!  Yet, he ignored his intuition just this once to turn and ask, "What's your real name?"

The Jaws of Thorn looked surprised. "Me?" he asked dumbly, pointing a claw at himself. "You want to know my name? Really?"

"Yes." Winter grumped, regretting his decision. Yep. Should've listened to my instincts. "Before I change my mind."

"Qibli." the Sandwing answered immediately. "My name is Qibli. Can I have yours?"

Winter barked a laugh. "Nope. Nice try."

"Oh, well." Qibli smiled. "My mistake. I thought we were having a tender bonding moment. Guess not."

Winter grappled against his inner inclinations until finally, giving a final eyeroll and sigh he spoke. "I am the nephew of Queen Glacier."

"Who?" Qibli quirked a brow.

Stung, Winter hissed, "Just look it up. You have scrolls, don't you?"

Winter's stomach digested his fury until Qiblis face lit with something else. Mischief.

Now Winter's heart leapt with something else. He scrabbled up onto the pavilions guardrail.

"Just kidding, Prince Winter." he grinned. That infuriating grin. "It was nice meeting you. I hope you have a wonderful life."

In response, Winter mustered up a smitten smile of his own. "Thanks. I hope you aren't brutally killed in the war."

Qibli laughed, "Always the charmer, aren't you?"

Winter let himself look back once at Qibli as he flew off. It wasn't easy; but he thought he could make out the smooth blended yellows of Qiblis figure as he swooped away. 

Winter found, even after hours of near non-stop travel, Qibli was still the only topic on his mind.

That went a lot differently than I intended, Winter thought, retracing his path to the Ice Kingdom. But I didn't die! I met the Jaws of Thorn and lived! Ha ha, Hailstorm. How many others can say THAT? Winter flipped in the air before reprimanding himself for his uncharacteristic joy.

The more Winter thought about it, the more the Jaws of Thorn seemed almost... dragon.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2023 ⏰

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