I didn't bring it up to him. Instead I tried to focus on what the teacher was saying. i just couldn't. All I could think about was how he got them.. he had a sister too.. were those ones done trying to protect her? They looked pretty fresh..
"Alexis!" Jake's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. "It's time to go, I'm hungry."
"You're a pig," I laughed, "Let's go then."
"oink, oink." He said the best he could as he pushed his nose to form a pig nose.
"Aren't you just so funny." I sarcastically said as I pulled him out the classroom. I walked past the nurses office and looked inside to see if Cat was there, she wasn't. I hope she was alright.
"You know that Cat went to the hospital right?" Jake said worriedly as he saw me look. He had pulled food out of his bag already and was eating it.
"What? Are you serious?" I exclaimed, now I was even more worried. I did not think it was that bad. "I thought she was going to be okay."
"She will be, she just has a broken cheekbone, she will be okay." Jake mumbled, his hand on my back.
"Thank you again, honestly I would have ended up like her if you didn't stop your sister..I guess I'll be visiting her in hospital tonight." I mumbled, a few tears had managed to escape but I was keeping my breathing steady.
"Do you want me to come with you? I should probably apologize on behalf of my sister." Jake said, all I could hear in his voice was care and compassion.
"If you could.. yes please." I wiped away the last few tears and forced a smile on my face.
"Easily done," Jake replied as we got to a group of people. I hid down behind Jake as words started tumbling out of his mouth.
"Alexis, don't be an idiot. These are my friends, well my squad." Jake laughed at the end, the others joining in with him.
"Guys, this is Alexis." Jake introduced me to the group, pulling me in front of me.
"H-hi." I mumbled. I noticed that the girl looked extremely mean, but she was flawless. Her makeup was done perfectly, her long hair was straight and flowing nicely down her back, oh and the 2 boys, one had brown hair and brown eyes with tan skin, he was gorgeous, the other with blonde hair and blue eyes.. both were gorgeous.
"Hey." They all replied back calmly, all with big smiles on their face.
"So Alexis, this is Regina. She looks like a bitch but I promise you shes not!" Jake laughed, moving a few feet away from Regina as she went to slap him.
I couldn't help but laugh.
"This one here," he started to say, pointing at the blond haired guy "is Tyler. And that one is Conner."

RandomAlexis, a 15 year old girl, stuck in between the physical wrath of both her parents. Her father, a mentally, and physically abusive alcoholic. Her mother, oh how her mother loved her. Her mother does everything she can to try and protect her. But ev...