My boyfriend used to work for a cafe. I knew it meant the world to him, it was his favorite place but they knew that as well. The moment he took me to the cafe they started voicing their plans. Feeling oddly sassy at the time. It looks burnable. It's cute, it must be destroyed. It would look cuter up in flames. Burn it. You will burn it. I tried to ignore them and just zone out as he took me inside and sat me in the back to wait while he worked. At some point in waiting I began to wander out back, clearly looking for something without really thinking about it. I saw a can of lighter fluid sat next to a grill not too far away. Once the voices made a note of it, singing in delight I made my way back inside and sat down to wait for him to take us home.
Back at his house they noted where the lighter was, where the matches were. I tried to enjoy my time with him but they were dead-set on burning down the cafe. Each day they grew louder, not giving me a single moment to breathe. The night before the burning we made a deal, they wanted to burn the cafe down during work hours so there would be casualties. We agreed to burn the cafe down when no one was inside because no way in hell am I going to allow them to attempt murder on him, I'd turn that blade on myself the moment I gained control and would take myself out if it came down to it. My half of this deal, use the skills I learned when I was younger to cause bloodshed.
I made my way to the cafe in the earliest hours of the morning and started dousing the place in lighter fluid. The voices hollering in excitement. More. More gasoline. It must burn. Burn brighter than the sun. Destroy everything. I flicked the match once I got back to the back of the building and dropped it into the fluid, right after working hours started.
The voices were so loud with their delight but immediately cut out when I heard everyone but him had escaped. My mind went blank and I immediately ran in to save him.
I will not let another person I care about die by my hand.