Justin Bieber's Secret Microphone

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Introduction :)

*Alex's P.O.V* 

All Around The World , World Wo-

Justin exited the stage and i swear i nearly felt my ears explode from the loud screams and cries . 

"Oh my god Alex!" i felt my best friend Courtney clutch on my hand so tight it almost went purple . I clenched hers back and screamed as loud as possible . 

"Justin!" we both yelled . He came running back for a second and threw his snap back directly at us. Did he actually hear us ? I don't know , oh what am i saying of course he didn't . He just got the urge to throw his hat on his first performance didn't he . 

It all happened so quick , i held out my hands and ....... caught his hat . I had my eyes closed , so i have no idea how i caught it . "Oh my god!" Courtney wails and covers her mouth at the site of his cap in my hands . 

I held it in one hand and let out an ear piercing scream , covering my mouth with the other . I started jumping up and down and kissing it and holding it out in front of Courtney's face  , so she could kiss it as well . I looked back up at the stage and saw his silhouette go back behind the curtain . 

I held onto that hat for dear life , the whole way through the concert . I was not letting it go or letting it out of my site , until i got home of course . I kissed Courtney goodbye on the cheek and hopped out of her Range Rover "Wait!" she calls and runs out of the car . She grabs the cap and kisses it one last time , then gets back in her car and leaves . I shake my head and laugh as i sprint my way inside my house . 

"Mom , dad . I'm home" i call up the stairs , my voice still shaking from all the excitement . I hear a heard of elephants stomp down the stairs as fast as lightning . 

"Oh my god oh my god . How did it go?" mom cups my cheeks and kisses them . I slowly pull up the cap from behind my back . "Is that?" 

"It is" and i nod grinning like the Grinch . 

"Oh my god!" and she snatches it off me and feels it , running her fingers along the writing 'Dope' and on the back 'Tisa' in it's trade mark writing . 

"Hey , give it back" i laugh and snatch it back . 

Dad kisses my forehead and hugs me tight "Glad you had fun honey" he chuckles . We sat down in the living and i told them everything that happened , every single detail i could possibly remember. Until it was 1 am . "Ok i think we better hit the sack now" dad yawns . 

"Yeah me too" i yawn back and we all stand up and head up stairs . 

I staggered into my purple bedroom , with white and purple floral wallpaper . I love my room and purple is my favourite colour , just like Justin's . I sat on my bed and thought about how perfect tonight has been . I couldn't stop thinking about how gorgeous his light , perfect face is and how talented he is , how flawless his voice is live . Then i snapped out of my thoughts and realised i had sat there for half an hour just thinking about it . I shot up to my feet and changed into my comfy PJ's , my 'Me To You' bear top with my little love heart shorts . I turned my light off and got snuggled up in bed . 

When i saw his cap sitting upside down on my bed side table , i reached for it and slapped it on my head when i felt something small and hard hit the top of my skull , it actually hurt ."Ow!" i spat . I snatched it off of my head causing my hair to mess up . I then felt something slide down my front and drop down onto the bed . I searched all around for it . When i saw a little black device sitting on my covers , just above my lap . "What the?!" i whisper to myself . I slowly pick it up and bring it up to my face . 

What the actual ? I turned it around in my fingers trying to figure out what this weird little thing is and why the hell was it in Justin's hat ? Then i felt a little button on the front , dare i press it ? It might be a bomb or something ? Wait why would it be a bomb ? Oh , who cares i'm just going to press it . So i did and a little green light came on . I threw it back on my bed as far away as possible and covered my head with my arms in case it exploded . It didn't . Thank god but what's that ? Some kind of muffled noise ? . 

"Good . . .Ju . . . Thanks . . . .Ma" i could hear faintly from the . . . weird little thingy i found in his hat . I crawled towards it . Still trying to keep my distance though . I lightly got hold of it and sat cross legged on my bed when i felt vibrations coming from it as the noise came again . It started to clear out and i could hear it properly . 

"Great show Justin  , you did great" i hear a voice almost as if it was Scooters . 

"Thanks Scoot" . . . no really ? That voice , that breathe taking voice and i know it when i hear it but no . I can't be ? . I bring it up to my ear  . Am i going crazy or something ? . "Hey Ryan , good night bro" 

It . . . it is him but how ? Wait if i can hear him then can he hear me ? "Justin!" i shout . No answer . "Justin!" i shout again even louder . Guess not , i still can't get over this , this must be some kind of walky talky , microphone thing , that the crew must use to check if he's alright  . Why was this in his hat though ? And how is a speaker attached to him still ? Oh i don't know my brain is frazzled . This is going to be my little secret now , i'm not telling anyone . Absolutely nobody at all . 

"Alright man , i'm going to sleep" and i heard him yawn and everything . My heart flutters every time i hear his beautiful voice . I wish he knew i was here somehow . Oh well this is amazing ! 

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