A hand to hold

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While it's based on my ult group but the places, incidents and the story line in this story is totally fictional. I do not own any characters but I do own the story :)

The scent of freshly brewed coffee tickled Beomgyu's nose, making him raise his head, finally stopping to a no winning staring competition with the white marble floor. Despite the colorful abstract paintings, the huge stuffed bear and Mrs.Han's mini plants which adorned the room, all he could see was black and white. Dullness and Emptiness.

As usual Mrs.Han smiled brightly as she sat across him.

"My father sent me those coffee beans from Spain, he says it freshens one's mind and makes you energetic." She exclaimed brightly.

Mrs.Han is a soft hearted lady, she always speaks with excitement and zeal. She gives so much encouraging words, talk about how much there is to life and how much there is outside the windows to explore. She insisted Beomgyu to drink the coffee her father sent and honestly it was good. This was the one thing he liked about the whole therapy sessions. It was bitter. Ironically represented how his life was, bitter and dull.

"Is the knot in your heart a bit loose now?" Knot, as Mrs.Han called it, was the hollowness that haunts every bones and every muscles of Beomgyu, chaining him into his devils and the constantly whispers to him to end it all, the misery, the void, the sorrows.

He shrugged. Mrs.Han was directly looking into his eyes as if she was staring right into his soul which made Beomgyu to lower his gaze.

"Dear, I have an old friend, a psychiatrist. He maybe able to help you, however you need to stay with him at his hospital for the treatment, only if its okay with you."

Mrs.Han was like a family to him. She was a close friend of his parents. Deep inside he could not help but wonder if Mrs.Han gave up on him. After all he was a mess. Well it's not like Mrs.Han can do much if he barely speaks to her.

"Beomgyu, I am trying to help you, never ever think I am abandoning you. You are just like a son to me. My friend, he is extremely good at what he does. Having others who experienced the same grief as you would help to lift the burden you carry. Even for a minute, if you feel like you don't want to stay there you can call me." Mrs.Han gave Beomgyu a sympathetic smile.

Maybe she is right. Mrs.Han truly did care for me so there was no harm in giving this a try. After all, i have nothing to lose. Beomgyu thought.

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