The start of a new beginning

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Cold wind greeted Beomgyu as he stepped into his new room. He glanced around his new space which contained just a bed, a small dresser and a table. Before coming to the hospital he was told that he would get a room of his own. He dropped his bag next to his bed and changed into the clothes which was given to him from the nurse.

The window right opposite to his bed was slightly opened which probably was the source of the cold wind that hit his face a minute ago. Beomgyu stood up to close the window.

2 hours later
Beomgyu sighed. He was on his way to meet Dr.Kim who was Mrs.Han's friend. Unlike Mrs.Han's clinic, the hospital was dull, the wall were worn out with visible cracks, the lights were flicking and most of the tiles on the floor were broken. A small smile appeared on his face. The whole hallway was an exact replica of his own life. Pieces that cannot be ever glued together.

The meeting with Dr.Kim was short and brief. It was just an introduction about how his sessions would go on plus a failed attempt of Dr.Kim to try breaking the walls Beomgyu had built around him. Beomgyu was just not ready to share anything, not a single word. Everything felt too rushed like as he was stuck while everything else around him was moving fine.

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