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Few weeks have passed since Beomgyu came here. Beomgyu have became a little happier and healthier. He opened a bit of his closed chapters to Dr.Kim and enjoyed his recreation time. Most of all he really loved the company of his newly made friends. They would spend hours talking about anything, pranking each other and playing games and this was usually on the rooftop or sometimes in Beomgyu's room. Beomgyu managed to teach Soobin a piano song and he would not admit but he kind of liked Hueningkai's snacks despite Yeonjun constant warnings to stay away from them and Taehyun facepalming himself whenever the other three ends up making a clown of themselves infront of Beomgyu. He loved all these moments.

It was another day of them hanging out. This time the candle squad decided it would be a good idea to watch a movie at Beomgyu's room. Not that he had a problem, but he did wish they could do this in some other room. It is always his. Halfway through the movie, the guys got extra hyper and by guys he meant mostly Yeonjun. It became difficult to understand anything that was happening in the movie. Unbothered by all this Hueningkai was enjoying his go to go snack, mini egg tarts and grape juice. Soobin next to Beomgyu muttering something about being certain that Yeonjun has ADHD although Yeonjun was never diagnosed with it.

"You made it, why don't you guys ever ask me why I am even here? About what happened to me which made me end up here." Beomgyu asked with a serious look. Soobin was visibly surprised and was taken back.

"Ohhh well um, personally I just didn't think it was my place to ask you. Whatever the reason you came here didn't matter to me when I first met you. I really thought you were good at the piano. I think you are a kind hearted person. It was the same for all the other guys you know. I remember when I first came here Yeonjun kept blabbering about whether my blonde hair was real or not and when he finally got an answer he started with what I ate to be this tall, so yeah he has been always loud, Taehyun and Hueningkai came later and we never really talked about our health conditions or poke into our personal lives. It was just hangouts like this. Yeonjun being hyper active, Taehyun judging him and Kai with his snacks. I think Yeonjun wanted that, you know for everyone to feel welcomed and normal so he did it with all others too." Soobin said.

"I see. My parents..." Beomgyu paused a bit before speaking up again.

"It was my birthday, I was being selfish, persistent on getting this cake from a bakery I loved, it was almost close to the closing time and dad had to speed up... and we met with an accident. Everyone keep telling me it was not my fault, but the guilt keeps building up and I can't stop blaming myself." Beomgyu said.

"No one can understand, even if I say it's not your fault I know you are not gonna believe it nor your guilt will go away, but it's true that we can't stop what was bound to happen, the pain and regret it brings, it will hurt all the time, but it gets better, your parents would be proud to know you are holding yourself, keeping it together, barely, miserably but still living. We all have a tied knot in our hearts, but you can connect them together with others who have the same knot. That way we resonate with each other's feelings and trauma. Live on, with the pain, hold onto the connections, making a better tomorrow but together." Yeonjun spoke up from behind. Beomgyu didn't know Yeonjun was listening to him. More surprisingly he didn't know Yeonjun was so good with his words. Beomgyu felt lighter in his heart and grateful for Yeonjun and all his friends. He was glad he had them.

"One more thing, these connections they remained intact even if we are not together, even if we can't see each other or far away from each other because they are formed here." Taehyun said placing his hand on his chest.

"Totally and these snacks they are the best mood makers." Hueningkai chimed in.

"Dude, you do not need to promote your snacks all the time." Taehyun said. Beomgyu laughed. It felt like eternity since he was this happy. They may have met recently but they were truly his closest friends. Best-friends.

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