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Beomgyu returned to his room, denying dinner, convincing the nurse he was too tired and he needed some sleep. He dropped down to his bed blankly staring at the ceiling. Beomgyu knew that his eyes will not feel any heavier and no matter how long it took he wouldn't drift to sleep. Whenever he closes his eyes, painful flashbacks of that tragic day circles around his mind.

Three years ago his birthday cake was crushed splattered with blood, a flowers bouquet laying around the upside down car. The body of the car was heavily damaged with smoke coming out from the engines. He still remember the piercing pain from the shreds of glass digging into his flash, the horror and the burning twist in his gut was killing him within at the sight of his parents, his dad's head clashed to the steering wheel and his mom reaching to him with nonstop bleeding to protect him. As his consciousness faded he could hear faint sirens and rushed footsteps.

There it comes again the knot, the burn. His breath fasten and it started feeling like chokes. There was this huge lump in his throat and he was drenched in sweat, he was having another episode of difficulties.

Calm down, you need to breath, it's all in your head. Beomgyu tried to persuade himself. Beomgyu got up too fast that made him stumble on his own feet. He needed to get out of the room, he needed fresh air, he needed to undo the knot.

The night was still, so still, not even a leaf in the massive maple tree opposite to the hospital moved.

Standing on the rooftop, at the middle of the night, overlooking the city was somehow calming his nerves.

"Yo, spooky night right?" Beomgyu almost jumped out of his skin having to hold the railing to settle down.

"Whoa, easy there, don't want your soul to escape into the thin air." The stranger laughed as he hopped onto the railing. Beomgyu moved away from the unusual stranger. He was being cautious. The new presence was a boy who would be nor less than his age. The boy may have noticed Beomgyu's alertness as he raised his hands upto his face and waved.

"Don't be scared, I want the good ones only. My names Yeonjun and I live here too just like you. Good to see you." He said with a smile.

Beomgyu nodded slowly and turned around heading to his room. He didn't want to make any interactions and make friends after all they just leaves at the end.

"There is a bonfire party tomorrow night, hope you could make it. It's here on the rooftop." Yeonjun shouted too loud considering there was not a single noise around the area. Beomgyu believed the whole neighborhood might have woken up by Yeonjun's shouting. Beomgyu ignored Yeonjun and walked away.

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