Deal With The Devil

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When Y/n woke up the next morning, he found Farnel in the doorway.

Y/n: "Is there an issue?"

Farnel: "The priestess is here."

Y/n: "Send her to me. I can't be fucked getting outta bed."

After a few moments, Laquadia entered. She seemed shocked by Y/n as he smirked at her from the bed.

Laquadia: "Y- You? You're a-"

Y/n: "Dark knight. Technically still a paladin, but fallen from grace. Not to mention, I'm a grand demon."

Laquadia's eyes widened. She had only ever dealt with lesser demons and things of that level. But a grand demon? Something that could be considered one of the lords of hell? Not even the most experienced clergyman could take one on and come out unscathed.

Y/n: "I see you realise how fucked you are. So how about a deal?"

Laquadia: "A deal? With a demon? You know how suspicious that is?"

Y/n: "I'm aware. But you have my word that this will be fair."

Laquadia was torn. Demons were natural born liars and making a deal with one was always a horrifically bad decision. On the other hand, she would likely die if she were to run.

Laquadia: "... I will hear your terms."

Y/n: "Excellent! Then my terms are simply that you subtly influence your followers to follow the order of the blackened earth. In exchange, you and your followers may live when I eventually decide to invoke a demonic version of the rapture."

Laquadia: "That sounds like you get more out of this than I do."

Y/n: "Feel free to make any amendments you wish. However for every benefit added for you, I will demand something of equal value."

Laquadia gulped from nerves. This was a gamble, one that she was likely to lose.

Laquadia: "Then..."

Once again, Laquadia was in a bind. She could make whatever amendment to the deal she wished, but something of equal value would be added in favour of the demon in front of her.

Despite her faith, Laquadia hungered for power. At the end of the day, she would gladly do whatever to gain more power, but when faced with consequences, that was when things got difficult.

Y/n merely smirked before swinging himself round so he was sitting on the edge of the bed rather than just lying down.

Y/n: "Well?"

Laquadia became frustrated and her true colours shone through. Her kind smile gave way to a look of disgust and contempt.

Y/n: "Heheheh. There she is."

Laquadia's visible disgust only grew as Y/n's laughter grew louder.

Y/n: "Y'know... I could simply corrupt the will of all those followers you claim to adore so much. Turn them into slaves of their own sin. Corrupt them all to a point that they would see gods the same way I do."

Laquadia: "As a hindrance?"

Y/n: "As disgusting, parasitic creatures unfit to exist in this or any world. Let me tell you of my homeland, Laquadia. The people there throughout history have worshipped gods. The most egregious of these parasites being those that claim to be the one and only God."

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