1. Dark painful secrets

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(Tw: Self-Harm,)

**set between Emerald Secret and Starlight**

Zane was a very secretive person, he hid his eye with his hair, he hid his face with a mask, and he hid the fresh and old self-inflicted cuts that littered his arms with long sleeves and hoodies.

Zane's self-harm issues started when he was fourteen.

The poor boy didn't have a single friend at the time and felt like an outcast doomed to live in his brothers' shadows.

Following the dramatic events of the loge Zane and his elder brother Garroth were growing closer for at least they were trying to build a better relationship.

Despite the two eldest Ro'meave brothers' new bond, Garroth stayed completely oblivious to what Zane did to himself when he was alone.

Alone, that's the word that Zane felt described him.

Alone was what he was, until Garroth's disrespect for privacy and doors, left both brothers hugging.

Garroth had a very vague understanding of what his little brothers' childhood was really like, how he'd made Zane feel but not once did the blonde think his brother capable of being a committed self-harmer.

Zane hadn't slept well nightmares infected his sleep like a plague, the middle child had been unintentionally cut free for an entire week the longest he'd gone since the Lodge.

Zane had spent the whole week with Garroth, leaving his beloved 'habit' forgotten.

Deciding to try to fight the urge to cut Zane searched for his big brother.

It took almost an hour for Zane to find a note from Garroth and Laurence saying they'd gone out shopping.

'No matter' Zane thought, hoping to text Aphmau to come over before he remembered that she was on a date with Aaron.

An all too familiar feeling of being alone washed over Zane, causing a sort of cloudiness in his mind.

Zane walked mindlessly to his room grabbing his pocket knife from his desk without a second thought it was as if he was on autopilot.

Zane slowly walked to the upstairs bathroom, pocket knife in hand, with clouded eyes and mind Zane rolled up his sleeves.

Perched on the side of the bathtub Zane slowly dragged the knife's blade across his arm with light pressure causing shallow cuts and then he applied more pressure causing deeper cuts.

Watching the crimson liquid pour from his arm caused Zane a strange form of comfort, something he'd never be able to explain, not even to himself.

Garroth's note didn't say what time he and Laurence would be back a detail that Zane blanked on.

Zane made nine deep cuts on his left arm before he heard his big brothers' voice booming throughout the house.

"Zaneeee" Garroth loudly yelled in a sing-song voice.

Zane quickly shoved the knife into his pocket, tugging his sleeves down shortly after.


Zane anxiously left the bathroom immediately met by garroth.

"Zane we got you cupcakes" Garroth grinned, knowing how much his brother loved cupcakes.

"O-oh thank you" the younger replied, tugging at his sleeve.

Garroth went to speak but he stopped himself noticing a strange liquid drip from Zane's hoodie sleeve and land on the floor, it was...blood.

Garroth and Zane one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now