Chapter 4 : Adoption Pt.2

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[Gaga's POV]

"Gagaloo! I was worried sick! You didn't respond to my texts and you didn't......" Tara pauses. She looks at me and then at Viviana, and then back at me.

"Oh..I...I didn't realize we had a guest." Her eyes linger on Viviana a little longer. Viviana realizes this and she scoots closer to me while looking Tara up and down.

"This is Viviana." I say as I throw my keys onto the couch.

"Hello. I'm Tara. Tara Savelo." She reaches her hand out towards Viviana. Viviana hesitates, but then grabs it and let's go quickly.

"Hey Tara, can I talk to you for a sec?" I say. She looks at me and gets the message.

"Oh yeah. totally." She says. She walks into the kitchen.

"Make yourself at home." I say to Viviana before giving her a kiss on the top of her head and walking into the kitchen to talk to Tara.

[Viviana's POV]

"Tara. He HURTS her. I can't let that go and not do anything without feeling guilty for leaving her." I hear Gaga say to Tara. I decide to give them privacy as I step away from the door to the kitchen. I look around and take in my surroundings. I spot a comfy looking chair and I go to sit down in it. I'm cold and wet from the rain. Not to mention exhausted from the events of tonight. And overwhelmed.

I curl up into a tiny role poly of a ball and close my eyes. I feel myself drifting off to sleep.

*Viviana's 'Dream'*

"I....I can't. She needs more than I can offer." A woman's voice says.

"Are you sure? Once you make this can't turn back." A mans deep voice follows the woman's voice. Her voice sounds tired and sad. His sounds firm.

"I'm sure." The woman's voice says. "I love her but I just..l don't have what she needs. Maybe one day...when I'm better, she and I will somehow meet. With a closed adoption it might be hard but...fate always has it's way of working around what we plan for ourselves."

*End Viviana's 'Dream'*

[Gaga's POV]

"Tara. He HURTS her. I can't let that go and not do anything without feeling guilty for leaving her." I say to Tara.

"I know Gaga. I know. It's just the way you are. Always wanting to help, never wanting anyone to suffer through anything." Tara says. She puts her hand on my arm.

"Then ask her. Ask her and see what she says. My guess is that she will be thrilled. But you never know." Tara rubs my arm.

"I'll leave you to it then. I'm going to go hop in the shower." Tara kisses my cheek as I stare off into space, thinking of what I'm going to do.

I walk out to the living room and I don't see Viviana. I look around and then I spot her curled up in a chair. I slowly and quietly walk over to her. I kneel down so my face isn't that far from hers.

"Viviana. Baby wake up." I say quietly. I push a strand of hair away from her eyes and rub the back of my hand softly against her cheek. Her beautiful eyes flutter open.

"Gaga?" She asks.

"Yes babe. I'm here. It's me." I brush my fingers across her cheek.

"I have a proposition for you." I say. She looks deep into my eyes and I smile.

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