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Her statement stopped me in my tracks as I reached for the door handle. The thought that Gabriel had been murdered had certainly crossed my mind, but neither of us had said it out loud at the museum. "Did you see something on his body?"

Desirae shook her head. "It's just a feeling. I'll have to see what forensics comes up with. I've got someone on the team searching for a death certificate, but something's telling me there won't be one."

"Are you still thinking Landon?"

She didn't answer, but I could see it on her face.

"Why would he flee the scene tonight though? Wouldn't he stick around to see the reaction? He needs an audience."

"Had we not stumbled on Gabriel's body, he would've received that reaction. He's pissed and likely sulking somewhere." But even as the words left her mouth, Desirae didn't seem too convinced.

And then another sinking thought hit me. "My fingerprints are on the back room door. And your studio. Shit, did I touch Gabriel?"

"I'll handle it, Kirby." She must have noticed my doubt because she reached out to touch my arm. "You can trust me."

Trust wasn't exactly what I felt, not after her surprise interrogation, but I nodded, somewhat reassured. Still, that odd feeling started gnawing at my stomach again. "Des, Landon wasn't the only one missing at the end of the night. Carl's chair was empty too."

"Likely on his cigarette break." Before I could respond, she worked out the rest. "But he wasn't outside when we snuck out either." She pulled out her phone and tapped out the note. "Thanks for mentioning that."

I wanted to trust her, to be fully honest and tell her Rafael had been missing too, but after her questions and strange interest in him, I didn't want to put an even bigger misplaced target on his back. I couldn't betray him like that. I couldn't betray Artie. "No problem."

I started reaching for the door again, but Desirae's fingers wrapped softly around my arm. "Let me at least get you an Uber."

"I have no idea what that is," I murmured, eyeing up her hold on me. "But it almost feels like you don't want me to leave, Agent Venus."

"A ride, Kirby. Like a private taxi. You don't need to be walking alone at night."

As she started thumbing through her phone, I covered the screen. "It's cute you're worried about me, but I'll be fine. I grew up in this neighborhood."

"This isn't the neighborhood you grew up in anymore."

"It's just a couple blocks to the marina." I could see another protest starting to form on her lips. "You can watch me walk nearly the whole way there from your balcony."

She didn't seem satisfied with that answer, but didn't argue.

Just then, my phone buzzed with a text from Rafael. Finally.

Ran into some old friends and left early. You ok tonight?

It seemed odd for him to leave like that without saying anything to me, but I guess a lot had changed in the last seven years we'd been apart.

Yep all good.

As I slid the phone shut, I tried to hide any suspicion on my face. "Looks like I get the dockhouse all to myself tonight."

"Shame you wasted most of the night with me."

"It wasn't wasted," I assured her. She actually met my gaze this time, making it harder for me to turn away from her. "I hope you find what you're looking for, Des." My eyes slid over her one last time before I dragged my feet to the door. "And in case I didn't say it out loud, you look incredible tonight."

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