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"There's definitely no need for that, Miles," I murmured, liking the way their name sounded coming off my tongue. I almost felt guilty for suggesting it, but Desirae had said to keep them distracted. "Where's that rough, country guy who didn't think twice about throwing me down on the bed for a quickie?"

Before their body even pressed against mine, I could feel them everywhere. Deja vu muddled with muscle memory. As their hands wrapped around the front of my waist, their lips slid down the slope of my neck to my shoulder. My back arched into their hips, feeling a familiar bulge. Lustful nostalgia flooded me in every sense of the word.

My voice lowered to a husky whisper. "Who are you packing for in those tight hoochie daddy shorts?"

"All for you, Kirby." Their words were velvet against my skin. "I knew it wouldn't be long before you were coming to see me."

Turning around, I reached down to stroke between their legs. "You knew I'd be coming to see you, huh?"

"Mhmm... Although, you showing up with a wife was a bit of a surprise." They smiled against my neck, teeth grazing my pulse with the gentlest bite. The sound of their zipper sent a quiver through my core. As I went to slip my hand inside their briefs, they caught it instead. "Are you sure she's okay with this? I mean, you know I'm good at sharing. She could just join."

A montage of sweaty body parts flashed through my mind. Another one of those memories mixed with the present. My body hummed at the thought of Desirae joining us. "She's not one to mix work with pleasure. Unfortunately. But I'll be sure to let her know." My fingers slipped farther beneath their waistband, but they hadn't let go of my wrist.

"Kirby?" Their voice softened. "Can I try something with you?"

"Try something? Like something new?" I clasped their jaw to pull them away from my neck, looking them in the eye as they nodded. In the past, trust had always come naturally between us and right now felt no different. "Do you remember my safeword?"

"It's nothing that kinky, Kirb." Their words fell in hushed breaths along my lips. "But, yes."

Curiosity lowered me to their bed and I leaned back with invitation. Miles eagerly accepted, reaching through the slits of my dress on the sides. My ribs swelled as their hands slid up my legs, teasing between my thighs. Softly, but with firm intention, their thumb passed over the lace of my underwear, fingers quick to find the band, tugging them down over my legs to the floor.

Desire burned through me and my legs squeezed tight with anticipation, my fingers gripped the edge of the bed. Whatever they had in mind, my body needed it. Needed them. They reached again beneath my dress, raking their fingers over my skin to push the fabric up. Already, I was wet for them.

"Jesus, what did you do to your knee?"

Slipping out of reverie, I glanced down at the bruised scabby mess. "Oh, I uh, fell. Down the stairs. You know how I am in heels. It's fine."

Their hazel eyes shifted from mine back to my knee, obviously skeptical, but they didn't question it. Kissing the inside of my thigh, they made my muscles twitch with the bristle of their chin, the heat of their breath. As they inched closer, my nails dug into the soft sheets of their bed.

"Is this what you wanted to try?" I asked to redirect. "I mean, the facial hair is certainly different, but I seem to recall we've definitely done this—"

A gasp slipped from my throat as their lips wrapped around my clit and instantly, I melted into them. My hips opened, fingers entwined in their curls, leg wrapped around their neck. With long, slow strokes, their tongue lapped at every pleasure nerve.

Skullduggery {sapphic thriller}Where stories live. Discover now