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Snatching up the bracelet from the seat, I had half a mind to toss all eight of its sparkling carats out the truck window.

Someone was either fucking with me or I was losing my damn mind. Maybe both. As I thumbed over the stones, I tried to swallow the panic that had lodged itself in my throat. There was likely a completely reasonable explanation for this. Rafael very easily could've brought it home from Sicily when he flew out to claim his sister's belongings six months ago. Maybe he'd planned to give it back to me at the opening last night and that's why it was in the truck. Maybe he'd planned to give it to Cora. Hell, I wish he would have.

Although, it would have looked nice with my dress last night.

As the cold rose gold slid over my skin, the diamonds won. I fastened the clasp tight; the weight of it heavy on my wrist and even heavier on my mind, but I needed to focus.

Find Rafael. Use his phone to call Miles. Warn them both, and together preferably in case either of Desirae's suspicions are correct.

I sunk into the leather seat, trying not to stare at the diamonds on my wrist, fingers fumbling instead with the truck keys. Ditching Desirae wasn't what I wanted, but I didn't want her interrogating Rafael if he was finally home. I had my own questions for him and he'd likely have even more for me after I told him about what was going on.

And told him the truth about me and Artie.

As I twisted the keys into the ignition, the glare of the sun hit the bracelet again. Maybe it'd be best to stow it away in case Rafael kicked me out. His father still wanted me dead. My fingers slid over the engine keys to Pitruzza, down to the blue beads of Artie's evil eye charm. It would be smart to have a backup plan.

And ultimately, an escape plan.

I sped off down the backstreets, deciding to make a quick pit stop at the marina first. It was selfish, but the last time I didn't put myself first, I ended up in prison.

Despite the late afternoon sun burning hot on my shoulders, there was a chill in the breeze coming off the bay. I quickly glanced around as I walked up to dock C and tapped in the code for the gate. At the opposite end of the marina, a few men fished along the breakwater, but the rest of the docks in between us were deserted compared to this morning.

I stepped aboard Pitruzza and lifted the unzipped aft cover. Desirae had me so flustered this morning thinking about Artemisia and Miles as we were leaving that I must've forgotten to close it. The cabin door slid open, unlocked just as I'd left it. The breeze wrapped around me and once again, I was surrounded with Artie's perfume as I stepped down inside. No wonder I'd smelled her on me all day.

Sunlight spilled down the cabin steps, leading me through the dark kitchen and into the bedroom. Desirae's sweatshirt and shorts that I had worn last night remained folded on the bed. The makeup I had caked on my face and neck laid in a pile next to the mirror. I opened the closet door and dug past eight dresses until my fingers found the cold metal of the safe. Parting the fabric to see the number pad, I punched in my birthday. Relief swept over me as the door popped open, though I was a little disappointed to see it empty. Some extra cash would've been good to have on hand.

Then again, when did Artie ever actually keep money in the safe?

I pulled the lingerie drawer open and slid my hands around to feel for a stack of cash. Nothing. But I did grab a pair of lacy underwear from the pile that matched the ones I'd left at the greenhouse. As I slipped them on, I couldn't help but think of my afternoon with Miles. I just wish it hadn't ended the way it did. Miles had never made me feel guilty about anything like that before. But I guess I'd never had intrusive hallucinations of my dead ex-girlfriend while having sex with them before either. Whether it was my own fault or not, it left a sour feeling in the pit of my stomach, especially knowing Desirae considered them a suspect.

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