Chapter 3

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I do not own Harry Potter or the Vampire Diaries

AN: I moved the recent chapter I published to chapter 2 instead of 3 because it fit better this way. Thanks for all the comments on my first chapter, they really made my day :) I have now just finished some of my exams and I've got a small break now so I can finally update my other stories and this one. 

Standing in the wreckage of what had once been her home was not what Jade had envisioned for herself at all. She had thought that after it was all over, she could finally live her life in peace but that thought died a quick death when she realized the public would never leave her alone, then she thought that she at least had her father but he wasn't here to protect her, not in the wizarding world at least. Then she thought that even if the public would hound her, she still had someone she thought of as a grandfather until his lies and manipulations came to light, then she thought that despite everything, she had a Godfather that cared for her, but that thought died when he fell through the veil right before her eyes, then she thought that at least she had her friends by her side as always, but that thought died just a moment ago before she apparated here in front of Godric's hollow.

The blood flowing from her multiple wounds didn't hurt as much as the reason for the tears flowing from her eyes as she cried out the pain she felt at the betrayal of those she had once considered all she had left. Now she had nothing, everything and everyone was gone, she was all alone, just as it all started before that fateful day when her father came into her life. 

All she wanted to do right now is fall into his arms and break down but she was too wounded to apparate again, she had used up her last remains of energy by risking to apparate here. She hadn't even meant to, to be honest, but with the pain, both in her heart and from the many spells shot at her from those she considered her friends and family, she had just thought to get out of there, and here she was. 

Ironic that her mind brought her here where she had first vanquished Voldemort right after having just done so a little while ago, both of them leaving her with permanent scars, one across her forehead and the other branded across her heart, her mind and her trust, now forever broken.

The hatred she had seen in their eyes as they fired spell after spell at her, each more harmful than the last, had her wondering if this had all been a dream. The thought that all these years of friendship had meant nothing to them hurt more than anything. The pain in her chest after losing so many people in the battle was already agonizing enough to deal with, she didn't need the added pain. Fred, Uncle Sev, Uncle Moony and Tonks, all of them were gone, she didn't have anyone here anymore. 

She needed to get out of here, she wanted to go home, she wanted her dad, and just as she thought that a bright light flashed before her eyes as her world turned black.

Neville and Luna walked hand in hand outside looking for Jade when they heard the commotion on the bridge, they looked there and froze as they saw something they couldn't quite believe. Hermione, Ron, Molly, and Ginny were firing spell after spell at Jade, who was sprawled across the ground, a pained expression on her face, before her eyes met theirs for a second as she apparated away a second later. They stood shock still for a moment before a bright light flashed before their eyes as their worlds turned black.

George had been holding the dead body of his brother with a blank look on his face before the same thing happened to him and other members of Hogwarts.

Draco and his family had apparated to Malfoy Manor wondering what to do now as they thought about what the outcome of the battle would be, somewhere inside all of them hoping Potter would win, when a bright light flashed before their eyes as their worlds turned black.

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