Chapter 7

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I do not own Harry Potter or the Vampire Diaries

The Scooby Gang and the Mikaelsons just watched on in complete shock and disbelief, it just wasn't possible. Damon couldn't be a father. It just didn't fit with everything they knew about him, it made no sense whatsoever. Damon was an insensitive prick who cared for no one but himself and yet here he was hugging a girl so, dare they say it, lovingly. A girl who had called him dad. Dad, as in Damon was the girl's father. It was taking a while for them to process the fact because, well, it was Damon. 

Damon, the sarcastic, arrogant, cold-hearted impulsive vampire who had pissed off every single one of them more times than they could count, and yet here he was, embracing his daughter in such a gentle and caring way, clearly trying to calm her down. It didn't sit right with them at all because when did anyone's tears have an effect on Damon, if anything, he was the cause of them. So how was this possible, how could he be a father? He was a vampire for one, so she couldn't be his biological daughter, he was incapable of procreating, so then who was this girl?

They were all lost as they looked at Damon hugging his apparent daughter. Stefan couldn't believe his eyes, there was absolutely no way that Damon had a daughter, he would have told him, right? Well now that he thought about it, no he wouldn't have, their relationship wasn't exactly the best after all. Despite that though, he still couldn't help but feel hurt even though he was still pissed off at him about the situation regarding Elena.

Elena was in a pissy mood as she glared at the duo not believing that the girl was Damon's daughter. But since when had Damon been so caring? He was soothing the girl as he hugged her. He had never done that with her. Whenever she cried, he was still cold with her and looked like he couldn't care less, in fact sometimes he had been the reason for her tears but he loved her, right? No relationship was perfect after all, Damon would be hers in no time. Isobel had said that he loved her and he had been nice to her when he hadn't been to anyone else, which had to mean something so that meant he was just not good at showing his emotions and after everything he's been through, she could understand. So she had to get him to show his emotions, she had to help him see that just because he was a vampire doesn't mean there was no humanity in him. 

She'd help him see the light, his love for her will change him and she would be the reason for it. She smiled at the thought before scowling at the fact that Damon was still in her embrace. Oh well, it's not like the girl was actually his daughter, that wasn't possible, and Damon didn't care about anyone, well, besides her, despite the fact that he wouldn't admit it, so he must be acting like this for a reason. There was no way he could have a daughter because she wanted to be with him, she loved him and wanted to spend the rest of her life with him and him having a daughter would ruin everything because she wanted him all to herself. If there was anyone else in his life than that would be a problem, she would demand his attention all the time and that would leave her by herself and she refused to have that. No, the girl had to go.

Damon felt a tear fall down from his eye as he held onto the most important person in his life, rubbing her back soothingly trying to calm her down as she cried in his embrace. He kissed the side of her head and held onto her tighter not believing that after so many months she was finally back in his arms again. However when he heard her hiss slightly in pain, he immediately let go of her and pulled back from the hug looking her over in concern. It was then he actually smelled the blood, it was so strong and he desperately hoped that it wasn't her own.

"Jade, tesoro (honey), what's wrong? Where are you hurt?" Damon asked concerned.

"I-I...I don't..." Jade held her head as she all of a sudden felt dizzy, most likely from the blood loss and the wounds she hadn't healed yet. She stumbled for a moment and Damon quickly held onto her as his eyes looked into her own unfocused ones in absolute worry. She wanted to reassure him that she was fine but the dark spots clouding her vision spoke otherwise.

"Stai Bene Stellina?" Damon asked using the nickname he had always used when she had been younger. (Are you alright Little Star?)

Jade looked up to answer that she was fine before all of a sudden her world turned black as her eyes rolled back in her head. Damon quickly managed to catch her before she fell lowering them both down to the floor as he tried to wake her up swallowing in fear as he did so. He quickly bit into his arm and put his bloodied wrist over her mouth hoping she'd drink it, sometimes she did but other times her body rejected it, he didn't know why but it just happened. 

He looked her over for a moment but she didn't get up, she wasn't moving and he was getting more frantic by the second. Then there was a sudden jerk of her body, then another and another, and a second later, the contents of her stomach was emptied all over the floor as he quickly maneuvered her into a position where she wouldn't choke on the blood pouring out her mouth. Great, her stomach chose today to reject the blood when she really needed it. He wiped her mouth as fear started to gnaw at his heart. 

He looked at her lifeless body for a moment before looking up at the horrified people around him and said, "My blood can't heal her. You have to help her. You've got to know a spell or something. Anything. Just please heal my daughter."

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