Chapter 11

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I do not own Harry Potter or the Vampire Diaries 

AN: This is going to be a bit of a long chapter, well, I say a bit, but it's really long. I tried to cut some parts off but I didn't know where to cut from so sorry about that but the good news is, is that we're close to starting the viewing now, most likely by the next chapter. I know it's been a while and i haven't even started the viewing yet but since I don't plan my writing, I just write whatever comes in my mind and it tends to wander at times. I was told by someone on another platform I published this on that I'm dragging this scene out too much, if you feel like I'm writing too much or something then sorry but I honestly don't know where to cut from.

If you do have any suggestions of pairings for any of the characters do tell me. I still don't know who to pair Damon with. I'm thinking Bonnie maybe or would you guys think they're better off as best friends? Don't be silent readers, you can tell me any suggestions of yours even if you still want Jade to be with someone else instead of the ones I mentioned in the last chapter. Thanks for reading thus far and I'm also sorry for the delay. I've been stuck in a hell of a lot of work lately so I haven't had the time to finish this chapter until now.

Ok now, back to the story...

"Jade...please," Damon's broken voice trailed off as his shaking hand pushed her hair out of her face and cupped her cheek. There was nothing. No movement. No heartbeat. Nothing. She was gone, and the tears he could no longer control fell from his eyelashes as he hugged her limp body to him and began crying earnestly. 

He wasn't the only one crying, nearly all the wizards and witches in the room had tears in their eyes. George was just sitting there with a blank expression on his face as he stared at her body, he had lost his brother, his twin, his other half but he thought that he'd still had his sister and now she died right before his eyes. Tears fell from his eyes one by one as he internally begged her to get up, like every other time she miraculously recovered, but nothing was happening. She was still, too still, and that broke his heart more than he thought was possible after it was already shattered when he held the body of his brother. 

Draco was trying his best to control his emotions but he was sure that had he not been standing next to his father, he would have been at her side. He didn't understand why his mother hadn't gone to help her, he knew she couldn't resist helping someone, especially if it was a child. Her being the Girl Who Lived, which was quite ironic to say now, would not have stopped his mother. He knew her more than anyone, bar his father, so he was confused as to why she hadn't done anything. He looked up at his mother's face and it was stone cold, her mask was up so he knew he couldn't get anything out of her now.

The Mystic Falls Gang had tears in their eyes as they watched something they'd never thought they'd see, Damon Salvatore at his most vulnerable, crying his eyes out for his daughter, someone they had thought to be incapable of feelings was sitting right in front of them showing the most emotion they'd ever seen from the vampire.

"Come back. Please come back. You can't...You can't leave me. Jade! Jade, please! Farò qualsiasi cosa, qualsiasi cosa. Torna Stellina (I'll do anything, anything. Just come back Little star). Please!" Damon begged cupping her face in his hand as a tear fell on her cheek, he sobbed at the coldness of her skin, it was meant to be warm, it wasn't supposed to be like this, he just got her back, it wasn't fair. Every tear that fell was in reality a shard of glass puncturing his heart again and again as each passing second made him realise she won't be there for the rest.

Rebekah and Caroline were in tears, it was just so hard to watch to be honest. They were considered more emotional than others and now they couldn't help but agree when they had to constantly wipe the flow of tears as they heard Damon's agonized sobs and cries for her to come back. Bonnie wasn't in a better state as she looked at her best friend in sorrow, it just wasn't fair, he'd just got her back and now she was taken away so soon. Stefan looked at his brother in sympathy and sadness, he didn't deserve this, no one did, Damon had just lost his daughter and he had lost his niece whom he had already begun to care for, even without knowing who she was. She was his brother's daughter and that's all he needed to know even though he was still confused about how that was possible.

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