Windy summer

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Autumn was coming fast and it's been windy almost all Summer, so of course Nellie and her 'family' haven't gone to the beach, it was hard to enjoy it when there was a cold breeze blowing, and she certainly couldn't go swimming knowing that the cold sea would make her even more chilly. So for the past couple of weeks, she's either stuck at home chatting to Sweeney who would rarely answers her, or be in her shop selling her famous desserts to her customers, along with Toby's help. A lot of those days have been slow and she is bored out of her mind right now, though she's trying to entertain herself with a new book she got at the library but she barely paid attention to the words and focused more on staring out the window where she sat next to on the settee in the parlor.

She didn't know where Sweeney was and Toby was out playing with his friends, Nellie remembers when she was younger she didn't have that many friends, in fact a lot of them were boys and she used to run around with them, having mud fights and climbing trees. A lot of the women and other girls would turn their noses on her but she didn't care, she was having fun. She also had a better relationship with her father than she did of her mother, her father always took her out to the woods and teach her all about nature, especially hunting; although it was something her mother wasn't impressed by and she tried her hardest to turn Nellie into a lady, except the only thing she could get her to do was cook. That was the only way her and her mother bonded, and eventually Nellie's mother did accept who she was, as long as she had a husband that is.

But eventually she drifted apart from her friends and she was now alone, and the only company she had was her obese husband who did nothing but belittle her and practically turned her into his personal servant and sex slave, that was until she met Benjamin Barker. She remembers how sweet and kind Sweeney used to be, with his hair kept neatly and his eyes warm and gentle, how he would come around her shop just to have small talk with her and even joke around a little and sometimes at night, they would be in the parlor playing the piano and singing old folk songs, with Lucy smiling and laughing in the background.

She missed those memories, in fact those were one of the things that made Nellie fall in love with him, but she'll be making new memories with this new version of Benjamin Barker. Of course she still loves him, more madly now than ever. With his strong-structure body and hard exterior with messy ragged hair and a few rough edges, she fell head over heels for him. She doubts Lucy would ever love him the same, someone sweet and gentle like that pretty innocent blonde would never go for a man like Sweeney Todd.

Sometimes Nellie wonders what life would be like if Lucy survived the poison and waited for her husband to return home. Sweeney would have been overjoyed to finally be reunited with his wife, especially his daughter Johanna. But what if Lucy feels intimidated by Todd's cold demeanor? Not to mention his short temper where's he's a giant ball of rage that'll destroy anything that's in his way and would usually calm his anger by killing his clients, that's definitely a sight Lucy will never want to see, she'll be devastated and horrified to see what has become of Benjamin and that he was no longer Benjamin but a demon. She probably would have called the bobbies and Todd's life would repeat, except it might be death that'll be knocking on his door, and his wife betrayed him.

"Mrs. Lovett?" She heard the familiar deep voice of her barber. She gazed upward at the barber. His eyes showed concern and he was towering above her like a shadow. She wondered where he disappeared to, she looked for him all over the small cottage and found no sign of him anywhere. "Where 'ave ya been? I've been lookin' for you everywhere," Nellie replies in her usual cockney accent and Sweeney only sits himself next to her on the settee, removing the book she was half reading to the small table next to him. "Out for a walk" he murmured, though his answer confused Nellie since she didn't hear the front door open, except for when Toby said he was heading out. Perhaps Sweeney managed to sneak out when Nellie ventured in the basement, it's hard to hear what goes on outside when you're in the basement, so maybe that was why she didn't hear Todd's thundering footsteps and the door opening.

"It's been slow these past few weeks." She placed her head on the barber's shoulder who gave no reaction to her warm touch on his cold shoulder. "Perhaps do something to entertain yourself" Sweeney suggests though Nellie scoffs, "like what? I've tried reading but I'm restless". Sweeney glanced at her with a small grin, but Nellie couldn't see it, or she was distracted by a small smudge in the far corner of the wall next to the vase of buttercups and daffodils she forgot to clean.

Outside the window, the wind was blowing smoothly, the trees and bushes swaying back and forth in the direction the wind takes them. And the waves weren't as wild as they usually are, the sun was up meaning that it was still warm but the cold breeze made the atmosphere chilly. Birds could be heard chirping outside, along with the seagulls squawking as they peck their beaks in the sand looking for food, or probably looking for shelter to hide from the chilly wind.

Suddenly, Nellie felt two strong pairs of arms wrap around her body and she let out a small squeal when she found herself on Sweeney's lap who was holding her tightly. "Why didn't you say so if you were restless, pet?" His voice was low but soft making Nellie's skin crawl and melt in his embrace, her heart stuck in her throat making it difficult for her to speak, he seemed to be in a rare good mood if he wanted to take her right now in the middle of the day, what brought him to this rare mood of happiness? Though she guessed it was lust since she was aware of him staring at her, especially when she was undressing, not that she didn't mind; she just hoped he thought she was beautiful.

"The boy is out, yes?" He asked as he stared deeply into Nellie's eyes with lust. Nellie could only nod at his question as she equally stared into his dark brown eyes. His eyes sort of reminded her of the black hole, they were mysterious and beautiful, but at the same time dangerous. She has seen his eyes shift from sadness to anger many times and a few times lust when he wants her in his bed, but this time it seems like he wants her on the settee.

Almost instantly, their lips crash together, their kiss was deep and they could hardly control themselves. Nellie's arms were now wrapped around Sweeney's neck while he held her small waist. Their lips moved in sync and Sweeney stuck his tongue out and forced it into Nellie's mouth where she let out a soft moan of pleasure and gripped onto his shoulders tightly, her nails digging deep into his skin making Sweeney moan as well. They were lost in their coupling and Nellie had positioned herself sitting upwards with her legs now wrapped around her lover's waist and her hands grabbing fistfuls of his black-raven hair. Absolutely nothing could ruin this moment.

They were about to strip from their clothes until they heard the door open and they immediately parted ways from each other. Their faces red and lips slightly bruised, it would be obvious to know what the two have been doing. From the sound of the door opening, Toby walked in.

"Ello lad, you came home early" Nellie answered, trying to hide her stuttering voice and panting a little due to the hard kisses her and Sweeney had shared. Sweeney on the other hand stayed quiet but deep down he felt embarrassed and wanted to bury himself deep underground and never come out.

"Thomas had to go home early because dinner was ready and Eric had to go help his parents with something" he replied, though he failed to notice the grownups' embarrassed and flushed faces. "Lunch is ready if you're hungry, there's beef and carrots if you want some," the baker responded just so he can leave her and Sweeney alone and the boy ran off to the kitchen happily to receive his meal. Nellie glanced at Sweeney who looked at her with apologetic eyes, his eyes filled with sorrow and guilt and a little bit of embarrassment, though Nellie thought it was adorable he was giving her the puppy eyes.

"Tis alright love, there's always another time," she finished her sentence with a smirk and Sweeney's demeanor changed to the same expression knowing that they'll continue what they started later on when the world is quiet and dark.

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