Kidnapped pup and the Stolen Protector

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Stars twinkled in the night sky as snow layered the ground, a group clad in black left boot prints in their wake as they make their way through the snow covered ground.

"I don't feel comfortable with this sir."

A grizzly of a man glances back at the younger member.

"I don't give a shit Corporal, we have our orders."

"But they're kids sir, kids from a realm completely different from ours."

"Ones a kid the other is damn near an adult. Suck it up and grow a pair of balls."

"I...yes sir."

The trek was silent afterwards the only noise being the chirping of birds and the breathing of the group.

"This is a good spot, set up camp here you bastards"

A collective of yes sirs echoed in the air as the group began getting equipment set up. The group getting ready to camp out and monitor their targets.

As the sun rises a little girl with shoulder length loose curls rushes outside smiling her brown eyes twinkling with mischief as she jumps into a snow drift pile.
A young man with long black hair tied back and amber eyes laughing at the little girls antics until a snow ball collides with his face causing him to pause and blink.

"Why you little...that's how wars start. Do you want a war?"

The girl giggled and threw another snowball nailing him in the chest.

"Alright then war it is."

The air filled with laughter and playful banter and screams as the two youths refused to back down from their snowball war until a woman came out of the house.
"Breakfast is ready,Eos get Lily in here and you two dry off and change we have a big day ahead of us."

The young man turns around as he shoves snow down his sisters hood causing her to squeel as the cold made contact with her back.
"Alright ma we'll be right in."
He turns back to the little girl and grins as she pouted at him attempting to shake the snow out of her clothes.
"That was a cheap shot Eos."

Eos's grin grew wider
"Alls fair in love and war little sister."
The girl makes a face at her brother as she stomps forward and shoves a handful of snow down his shirt and darts for the door.
Lily laughed as she run up to the porch and turned around swaying side to side.
She yells out before rushing for the door  as a snowball hits the place she was just standing in.

The two get washed up and changed meeting their mother in the kitchen.
Their mother smiling as they shovel their breakfast in their mouths like they were starving.
Lily grinned as she cleared her plate throwing her fists in the air.
"I WIN!!"

Eos groaned and shook his head finishing off his plate and grabbing their dishes to put them in the sink.
"Seriously how did you end up getting dad's all inhaling food ability."

Their mother laugh and wiggled her finger at Eos.
"It's not an ability it's a gift...a very unnerving one."

Eos chuckled and started washing the dishes as his sister ran over to their mom.
"Hey mama are we going to Uncle Miguel's to train?"

Their mother patted her head smiling
"Yes sweetheart but first were going to chat with your father so get over to the couch with your brother while I get the computer."

Lily ran over to the couch dragging Eos with her forcing him to sit in the middle as their mother rejoined them placing the laptop on the coffee table.
"Do you want to do the honors Eos?"
Eos smiled as he hit the call button soon after the screen lights up as their fathers face appears with loud drunken cheers could be heard.

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