The lone Wolf and the Tragic Mates

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September 29th 1987 the sun has set, the stars are high and music fills the air.

A man strums a guitar as his younger sister and her lover dance on the cobble stoned porch.

The Older brother wears a knowing smile as he watches the two lovers.

The young man twirls his lover around and whispers sweet words in her ears as they sway, she laughs throwing her head back.

'Oh how lovely it is to be in love'
Thought the brother, ever the loner only watching those around him find love, but even that brings him joy.

He watches the younger man take a knee infront of his lover.

"Isabel, my love, my sun and my moon. The first time I saw you, you were with Miguel skate boarding right by me, your raven hair shimmering like the night sky in broad day light, your smile like the sun, and your laughter oh how it made my heart sore. I never thought I'd run into you again until I bumped into you in the book shop and I told myself, ask her out you fool and now here we are five years later and I'd be a fool now if I didn't ask you to marry me. So Isabel Naverez will you do me the honor of being my wife."

The woman cries as she puts her hands on her lovers face and smoothers it with sweet butterfly kisses.

"Oh Antonio you fool yes,  one hundred times yes."

He slides the ring on her finger as she stares into his eyes.

She couldn't forget the day she first saw him either.

Her brother Miguel had shouted out to a young man "ON YOUR RIGHT!" Scared the man half to death she laughed at her brothers antics but stopped and smiled at them noticing the look of awe.
His dirty brown hair had natural blonde highlights scattered about, it made her think of a sunflower.
His sea foam colored eyes contrasted starkly against his tan skin and hair.
Beautiful she thought, enchanting was another word to describe the young man.

She too never thought she'd see him again until like he said she spied him in the book store and ended up almost running into him in her effort to get her books to the check out.
On this day she couldn't be happier.

The music stopped and the brother laughed.
"To think it's the bookstore you two originally ran into again and not basic training."

The two lovers laughed along with him.
The three ending their night chatting about older times and laughing at eachothers stories.

On this day Antonio and Isabel professed their love to one another with Isabel's older brother Miguel as a witness.

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