the road to revelation

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Lying All of your life is what you wouldn't want to do ,a lie so corruptive and betraying,one cold dark morning I found myself in the Arctic freezing because it was winter ,I couldn't bare myself but all I could do Is eliminate myself so that I can bail my self out of this pain of the haunting past .I was so lost that I couldn't hear the calls and knocks at the door. Luck is all I could hear please wake up I need you to please stay . Mom : my son what have you done to your self why do want to leave me In this world alone , your father left us when you still 2 years and now you. Doctor :please leave him to rest so that he may recover soon . Luck : My mind was taken back to what I did in the past ,covered in blood and his body was lying there with mine with a gun in my hands I couldn't bare it but immediately woke up ,all I could say Is I killed him I killed . Mom :who did you kill she asked ? Luck : I don't know leave me alone I cant bring him back I kept on crying I just want to be alone . Mom : I won't abandon you son never so hush and rest you have gone through Alot .
The anguish and torment of a soul haunted by the past. The Arctic cold, a reflection of the icy grip of guilt and shame.

A desperate attempt to escape the pain, to silence the haunting memories. But the calls of loved ones, the pleas to stay, pierce the numbness.

A mother's anguish, "My son, what have you done to yourself? Why do you want to leave me alone in this world?" The echoes of abandonment, the father's departure, now the son's attempt to flee.

The doctor's calm, "Please leave him to rest, let him recover soon." But the mind, a jumble of torment, memories of blood and death, the gun still clutched in shaking hands.

The cry, "I killed him, I killed!" The mother's question, "Who did you kill?" The response, a despairing wail, "I don't know, leave me alone, I can't bring him back!"

The mother's vow, "I won't abandon you, son, never. Hush and rest, you've gone through so much." A glimmer of hope, a chance to heal, to find redemption.

But the journey, long and arduous, through the darkness of the past. The weight of guilt and shame, crushing the soul.

And yet, a spark of hope, a chance to start anew. The mother's love, a beacon in the darkness, guiding the way forward.

The question remains, can Luck find redemption? Can he escape the haunting past and start anew? Only time will tell.           As I lay in bed, my mind racing with thoughts of the past, I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder. It was my mother, her eyes filled with concern and love.

"Luck, my son, you need to talk to someone about this," she said, her voice soft but urgent. "You can't keep carrying this burden alone."

I nodded, knowing she was right. I couldn't keep living like this, haunted by the ghosts of my past.

"Tomorrow," I said, my voice barely above a whisper. "I'll go see someone tomorrow."

My mother smiled, her eyes filling with tears. "I'll be here for you, no matter what," she said. "We'll get through this together."

The next day, I found myself sitting in a therapist's office, pouring out my story to a stranger. It was hard, but with each word, I felt a weight lifting off my shoulders.

For the first time in years, I felt a glimmer of hope. Maybe, just maybe, I could find redemption and start anew.

But as I left the office, I couldn't shake the feeling that my past was still lurking, waiting to pounce. And I wondered, would I ever be free?
Loosening the grip of the past, I began to rebuild my life. With each passing day, the weight of my guilt and shame slowly lifted. I started to see a future beyond the darkness that had consumed me for so long.

My mother's unwavering support and the guidance of my therapist helped me navigate the treacherous waters of my own mind. I learned to forgive myself and others, to let go of the anger and resentment that had fueled my destructive path.

As the months went by, I started to rediscover the things that brought me joy. I reconnected with old friends, made new ones, and even started pursuing hobbies I had long abandoned.

One day, as I looked in the mirror, I saw a person I hadn't seen in years. A person with hope in their eyes, a person with a future.

I realized that I had been given a second chance, a chance to redeem myself and start anew. And I vowed to make the most of it.

I took a deep breath, feeling the cool, clean air fill my lungs. I smiled, knowing that I was finally free.

Free from the shackles of my past, free to live the life I was meant to live.

And as I walked out into the bright sunlight, I knew that I would never go back to that dark place again. I had found redemption, and I had found myself.

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