the fallen road

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They always say there's light at the end of every tunnel so  I thought by walking throughout that darkness for a very longtime I would find hope and be restored at the end of it all ,my life instead has become miserable it's not a life even a little man from the ashes would wish to stay ,the fantasy of a happy ever After will have to end here because I don't need that ight anymore,it's more than just game in my mind it's a matter of choosing what's best for me ,I don't really care about who gets hurt along the way as long as my life is made better , this what I have always wanted not raising my hopes to something that doesn't exist or would even help me.

Stories are told but where will mine end.               Mr Jones : Pick him and take him away from here look at all the mess he has done loss after loss is what is going to suffer,look he has drunk almost everything In my bar ,he's beaten up every soul here to make matters worse he has raped young women it's such a waste for such a young man to be despicable like this ,I really pity his parents for he has ashamed their name ,you know what for some point I don't want to act immature by imprisoning him because it will turn ish his future on the other hand I want to teach him a lesson but also recover for the losses I have gained ,I really hate him now at the same time pity him Iam so puzzled on what I should do ,iam a parent you know.hey young boy get up .                                                            ¹.     Luck : who are you to tell me ? Iam really exhausted my life really is useless so I have to live the way I want to ,All of my life I have been drowning in a sea of guilt where I have no escape all I could is resentment.                       Mr Jones :you should be sorry for what you did in my bar I have suffered losses that even your parents can't pay so young lower your pride and say sorry to me or else I will take you to prison and they will imprison you I don't think you would want a bad name for yourself,iam a parent too so don't push me by speaking arrogantly.                                                 Mrs merry:Mr Jones hurry someone has called the police I don't know who what should we do now huh are you going to let all your efforts go to waste ,it's you to choose the fate of your business.                                                Luck : Don't worry I called them myself it doesn't matter anymore because I dropped out of law school it's been a month now I got to realize my life doesn't matter at all so even if they imprison it's a pleasure to me cause I will be free from this cruel world .                           Inspector Justin:wow today's generation is full of chaotic drama who even thought one of the best students of Havard university would think of dropping out iam so disappointed kid why would you waste your life like this to a point that it doesn't matter anymore let me ask you a question kiddo do you think you're life will go any further if you waste it you choose a better and built life or a broken and miserable life .                                       Luck Haha really your getting delusional sir why do you care anha tell me mmmm I really want to know assure me that my life will get any better after what I have through it's really better of if I die so cuff me up and take me to where people like me belong , hurry up don't waste a single emotion when even have lost self pity . you and you Mr Justin is so slow cuff me up so that I meet my end  this is what karma pays back its enemies.                       inspector Justin: Alright I'll grant you your wish ,men come and get him any you say will be used against you in courts of law .                                               
Mr Jones : is this the life you really want to end up locked Ina prison cell ,my heart is bleeding for you my child I don't want you to end up in that place even though you have wronged me
the bible says:
Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven (Luke 6:37).
“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” “For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.” “Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone.   Iam willing to put the past behind me and let you go but the question is are willing to let go and be free .                                                                                     Luck :Thank you so much for kindness but really don't deserve this I don't want you to pity me leave me alone to suffer the consequences of my actions, After all your suffering because of me .                                         Mr Jones:            With Romans 8:1: “No, I am not under condemnation. There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. And I trust Christ, my Righteousness and my Pardon.                                                           Inspector Justin : your really wasting our time Mr Jones hurry up luck let's go it's you who chose this road so get I n the car and lets go you have to give a statement then you will go to prison cell .                                                       Mr Jones : what should I tell your parents won't they be worried about you kid .                      Luck Don't bother telling them it will just add to their problems I have already cost them Alot of things so spare them the pain .                  Inspector Justin : drive very fast so that we reach the police station I have alot of things to do  at the station.                                                Luck :wow your police station looks great I think it will be comfortable in here right tell me inspector Justin have you ever been locked up for once hahaha you.                            Head constable: who do we have here I smell arrogancy ,fear and hatred hahaha kids of this generation what is this you are doing to yourselves so now tell me anha what is it that you were thinking (he yawns ) okay you think with your pride your on top of the world I really pity because here is a place of a down to earth man so if you want to be stubborn and don't really know what you will have done to yourself,I really pity you but you have left me with no choice but to take you in what a waste ( he laughed) , you will tell the rest to the judge and your lawyer iam out of here , inspector take him .                            Luck : (sobbing) in tears my heart was torn into pieces because I was going to be locked up ,I developed fear of what will happen to me in their on the other hand I was so happy that I was finally free from the wretched world hah I don't really know where mind is or going but iam it's sailor so I hear  now are the aggressive resentments from the prisoner s it was not long enough since I was taken up into my prison cell ,after Mr inspector my life was to become a misery that I had not invited .                                                                            Mr inspector Justin: Are you going to be okay in here I hope you will if not tell me to put you in a single cell .                                                    Luck :"Hey one of the prisoners said to mr Justin what do you to do really we have been in these cells for long and you have never put us in single cells how unfair   of you sir ."   He said ,As soon as Mr Justin  left the wretched prisoners in my cell beat me up and harassed day went by and never had anyone to visit me ,day by day I become a victim of torture with my enslaved to being submissive to them ,they made wash their clothes,feed them serve them food do their dishes  bathe them and also accompanied by torture of the highest order Time went by when I became immune to the pain until one day when they tried to harass me sexually I beat up one of them to a point of bringing him close to his death bed , I was so scared because it called for attention of the guards so I decided to keep quiet,so the guards asked" who did this the victim said he did it he wanted to kill me yet I had no problem with him so the guards caught me and took me to some isolated room where what could welcome me was darkness and no light ,the guards told me they won't give me anything to eat for a week I got so worried on what to do I tried to kill myself but it failed .                                                After a week.                                                               Head prisoner :Do you think he's still alive I think he's already dead after starving him this long he wouldn't survive this hunger haha poor young man had to suffer the conspiracies in this prison oh get him out. And get him to the hospital, immediately when he Recovers we must bring him.back to where he belongs.                                                         Luck :I saw my body lying on the bed with me cuffed on the bed I there decided to return to my body .                                                    Head prisoner :wake up , you have eat something and regain your strength or else boss will kill us .                                                      luck : I didn't even spend Alot days at the hospital they dragged me as a thief back to my prison cell bck to the hell raiser I got in my mind I was doomed to the core but not even Mr Justin could save me .                               Head constable: News have gone viral about about Mr Justins untimely death we are still investigating of who plotted his death it's said that he was knocked down by a speeding car on his to the prison. Let's have a moment of silence and remember the good he has done for us  .                                                                      Mr badie :how dare you say we recognize him that selfish brat hah deserved to die ,I careless go for his wick but iam not paying my respect .                                                               Luck :Doom started looming in my life and I realized my life had come to an end  never had I imagined it was only the beginning of life hitting me hard   that I would fall to my knees and cry out for Gods sake who knew

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