if I stay

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A cool swift wind as it went through my hospital room I lay down on my bed lifeless ,my spirit is drifted to some place so far away to forget the past that haunts me like a ghost.                                                                   Mom :Do everything to save my dear son ,he's all I got I have no one else left in this world , every branch of us died so please I beg to do anything in your power ,my son come back please don't leave me .                          Doctor:please can you give us space so that we can work on our patient ,nurses 1'2and 3 pull ,iam so sorry mum we did our level best to save him                                                                 Luck : my spirit was In the room but no one could see all I saw was the life supporting machine with Flatliners running like an athlete,mum begging for my life,as for me I felt so free and had no regrets but there was still one thing I realized that still lingers and that is fixing my past and mending the broken hearts that I broke                                       Mom: son wherever you are please come back , there are still Alot of things I want to tell you , you can't go before me always remember son we have got choices to make and those for the greater good,I love you son and nothing gonna change my love for  you ,let me organize a praying ceremony for you ,I'll invite pastor blessing to pray for you Pastor Blessing: Bless the lord oh my soul oh oh my soul I'll worship your holy name ,how long has your son been asleep,mum don't worry God will work it out he is going to bring him back come let's pray for him , heavenly father we thank you for today we thank you for lucks life ,lord we ask you to please bring him back to us he still has a purpose to serve , you still have to use him ,come back to us luck lord please forgive him for all his trespasses renew his mind and soul so that he may live to walk in your will may your will be done through Jesus' name I have prayed and believed Amen.                          Luck :As I was lost in my emotions, somewhere far away I had a loud voice from heaven calling my it told me my child I know you and love you ,I have been with you ever since you were born come back to me renew your mind and don't cling on your past mistakes ,I have given you the holy spirit he will guide you just accept me as your lord and personal savior ,all I want from you is time and inviting me into your heart ,allow me to influence and govern your life ,when I had all this my heart was broken and I said lord here iam am all yours am so sorry for all I have done wrong while on earth,thank you for giving me a chance of redemption,there I saw my spirit carried In the helm of light like a bad in the sky , immediately I woke up it was like life drenched out of my soul  but Jesus gave me a new beginning to start again but they way I felt when my body was given life again was so amazing,thank you Lord my spirit said ,I will do as you will me to Amen.         Mom :what took you so long I missed you son never do that to me ever again , you got me worried and feel a worthless and helpless, you made me feel guilty of not saving you.           Doctor Gab : I think this is a miracle, because he had no chance to survive,all I could see is an innocent body of a young man lying down, but thanks be to God he is now free .      Glorious: my brother is awake ,this is a testimony to give joy joy let's all be filled with joy in our hearts , God has given us  victory we shall give him all the glory and honor            Luck : Glorious was a friend of mine that always called me brother no matter what ,she was an orphan whose parents died in a fatal accident  , however much she was a strong believer in God ,she always told about God but I wasn't interested, how we came to meet is , one evening as I was jogging along the steets of Memory lane ,I bumped into a girl who was reading the bible along the street,she stopped me and told me Jesus Christ who died and resurrected for your sake loves you ,I most of the time didn't believe I actually argued with her and disagreed with her ,I was by then hesitant and willing to listen because I didn't believe in love and Christ because all I had was resentment towards God for having taken away my Dad and siblings,all she kept on saying to me was God loves you no matter what ,I pushed her away and ran till I reached home a number of times I could have an encounter with her but pushed her away until today when I realized the relevance of having God in my life .                       Mom : have something to eat my son you have spent 9 months in comma so I think you miss my cooking I have cooked your favorite Irish potatoes and beef stew plus your favorite fruit salad of apples and pears ,eat now my son eat.                                                          Luck : I will mom I actually missed you Alot ,so please bring me some food and let's dig in ,ooh my God this is delicious mom ,can you imagine if your food was medicine it could heal Alot of people,mum you know what open up a restaurant ,late siblings and Dad will be proud of you.                  


Mom smiled, her eyes shining with tears. "I'm glad you like it, son," she said. "And that's a great idea about opening a restaurant. I'll think about it."

As they ate, Luck couldn't help but think about his journey. He had been so lost, so consumed by his own guilt and shame. But now, he felt free. He felt like he had been given a second chance.

"Glorious was right," Luck said, turning to his mom. "God does love us, no matter what. I'm sorry I didn't listen to her sooner."

Mom put a hand on his arm. "You're listening now, son," she said. "That's all that matters."

Just then, Glorious walked into the room, a big smile on her face. "I'm so glad you're awake, brother!" she exclaimed. "I knew God would bring you back to us."

Luck smiled, feeling a sense of gratitude towards her. "Thanks to you, Glorious," he said. "You never gave up on me, even when I pushed you away."

Glorious shrugged. "That's what friends are for," she said. "And I knew God had a plan for you, Luck. You're going to do great things."

Luck felt a surge of hope at her words. He knew he still had a long way to go, but with God on his side, he felt like he could conquer anything.

Here is the continuation of the passage:

As Luck continued to recover, he began to think about his future. He knew he wanted to make a difference, to use his second chance to help others.

"Mom, I've been thinking," Luck said one day. "I want to start a ministry, to help people who are struggling like I was."

Mom's face lit up with excitement. "That's a wonderful idea, son!" she exclaimed. "I'll support you every step of the way."

Glorious, who was visiting again, nodded in agreement. "I'll help too, brother," she said. "We can do it together."

And so, Luck's ministry was born. He named it "Second Chance" and began to share his story with others. He spoke at churches and community centers, telling people about the power of God's love and redemption.

As he shared his story, Luck saw the impact it had on others. He saw people's lives changed, saw them find hope and healing in God's love.

And he knew that he had made the right decision. He was exactly where he was meant to be.

But little did Luck know, his greatest challenge was yet to come. A challenge that would test his faith and his resolve.


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