Frustrations (SMUT)

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"Shit," I mumbled under my breath.

I just got back home from a night of drinking and I honestly didn't want to be home. My boyfriend, Drew and I weren't in a good place. We have been fighting, a lot. I was tipsy and I could hear him complaining in my head already.

The door finally opened and I stumbled inside. My heels were not my friends tonight. I didn't even bother to find Drew. I went straight to our bedroom and it was empty. I tossed my purse into the closet, ready to call it a night, but the door slammed shut.

I jumped from the loud noise, turning my head to see Drew.

"You're back finally," He said in a low voice.

"Yeah," I murmured.

I began to take out my earrings as he groaned, "You're drunk, aren't you?"

"I'm tipsy, but if I knew I had to deal with you, I would have gotten plastered." I sighed. Alcohol made me a bold and angry, resulting in the smart remark.

I turned my head and Drew was pissed off.

He looked down at the floor as he walked towards me. We were face to face and he stood up straight, towering over me.

"I'll ignore that last comment. I know it was the alcohol that said it. But Y/N, this shit needs to stop." Drew growled.

My emotions were all over the place. Part of me wanted to kiss him. Another wanted to slap him. Maybe both. Either way, he was right. This shit needed to stop.

I took him by surprise when I grabbed his shirt, kissing him. I kissed him hard, my blood red lipstick coloring his lips. I was more surprised that he kissed me back, pushing me against the wall behind me. He kept me against the wall, letting his hair down as he broke our kiss.

"You're right, Drew." I whispered, "And right now, I just want to let my frustrations out and I know that you want the same thing."

Drew looked deeply into my eyes, his eyes becoming dark and suddenly, he kissed me again. Neither of us held back.

His kisses started to head down and he left love bites all over my neck. At the same time, he took a hold of my skirt on both sides, ripping it off of me. I chuckled as he stopped to stare at my thigh high, nylon stockings and my lace thong.

Our lips smacked into each other again as my shirt was next. Drew ripped it right off me.

His head dove between my breast and he squeezed them together. I couldn't help but chuckle as I watched him. He missed our sex just as much as I did.

My small laughs were taken away and I bit my lip. Drew's large hand went around my throat. He kissed me softly, pulling me away from the wall.

"On the bed. Now." He demanded.

I listened to him, wiggling my hips as I crawled on to the bed.

Drew's shirt flew across the room, which made me look back at him. He was down to his briefs and I smiled as I saw that he was hard, very hard.

My lace thong pulled me back a little and I heard the sound of fabric tearing as Drew ripped that off too. I went to giggle some more, but a loud smack filled the room.

A loud moan jumped out of my chest as Drew smacked my ass and hard. I pressed the side of my head into the bed as I could feel my ass tingle. It felt like my ass was on fire.

More moans filled the room as Drew stood between my legs, his crown pushing into me. Drew wasted no time and began to pound into me. I squirmed a little, but I still rocked back into him during each thrust.

"Fuck me, Drew," I cried.

The pulse in my neck was throbbing as Drew's fingers dug at the roots of my hair, pulling my head back. I heard him chuckle, his hand smacking my ass, again. I told him to fuck me and he did just that.

"You want to me fuck you?" Drew said in a loud, deep voice.

"Yes, baby please. Don't stop," I cried out.

Drew let go of my hair and I buried my face into the bed, again. The bed didn't help cover my moans as they grew louder. Drew's large hands held on to my hips and he went faster than he ever has before. I took two handfuls of the sheets, biting down on them. My walls clamped around him eagerly, my orgasm rushing over me, making me break out in goosebumps. Drew still didn't let up, feeling my body tense up as I gushed all around him, bring me to tears and I didn't want it to stop.

My body ached at the emptiness that he left. I was pretty worn out, looking back to see his dick standing up straight, covered in my slick. Our eyes met again and it made me want more. Drew didn't expect me to stand up so quickly and was shocked that I took him by the shoulders, throwing him to the bed.

I kicked off my heels and slowly crawled on top of him and since he wanted to be so sudden, I held onto the base of his shaft and sank onto him quickly. I grounded onto him, starting out slow. After so much, I picked up the pace, going quick enough to please him and myself.

"Oh fuck," Drew groaned, his hands clamping onto my hips.

I held his shoulders as I arched my back, my hips moving swiftly and smoothly. It was a lot easier to take him this way and I met his hips each time. I spread my legs a bit wider as Drew took two fingers, rapidly massaging my clit. It only made me go faster.

"That's it. Ride me, girl." Drew cooed.

I listened and Drew watched, lost in pleasure.

"Faster," Drew demanded.

I listened but my thighs tightened and my knees ached as I slowed down. Another orgasm was heading for me and my body could barely handle it.

Drew didn't like that I slowed down. He was still inside me as he picked me up, slamming me in the center of the bed. His arms flew up, his hands holding on to the bed frame for leverage and he went back to his fast pace. Each thrust was filled with delicious friction as he fucked me fast and deep. My whole body felt like it was on fire. My fingernails dug into his skin, trailing all over his back.

"I'm so, so close," I frantically.

Drew smiled, but then he let out a low groan. His body dropped onto mine, his arms wrapping around me as he buried himself deep.

"Oh my god, Drew," I cried out.

My brain felt fuzzy, my ears actually ringing a bit, but my body finally relaxed. I gushed out all around him, again and Drew twitched and trembled, releasing inside of me.

We both were out of breath, trying to get ourselves back together. That was the craziest sex we've had in a long time and it took everything out of us.

I let out one last cry as he withdrew, my walls aching more due to the emptiness once again.

The wild, sexy look that Drew had in his eyes during our sex vanished and he stroked my cheek, saying, "I'm sorry if I was really rough. I-"

I cut him off, replying "No need to be sorry. That was amazing."

Drew chuckled, happy that I enjoyed myself.

"Was it?" He asked.

I blew him a kiss and whispered, "Hell yeah, it was."

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