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After two stressful weeks of work and wrestling, the day I've been dying for finally came. Drew and I were going to have our third date; Things were getting serious and the excitement of another date was eating me up inside.

Drew came over to my apartment at five, ready for our date at the beach. I was really trying to impress him; So, I wore the sexiest bikini I owned, which showed off a lot. I even faced time my close friend, Liv.

"Does this look good?" I asked quickly, showing my bikini off in the mirror.

"Girl, you look great! Stop worrying so much and go out!" Liv insisted, I appreciated her pushing me because I was very nervous.

"Okay, thanks! I tell you how the date goes!" I said quickly, hanging up right after.

I didn't want to leave Drew waiting any longer; I slipped on my sandals, tossed on my swimming robe and headed to my living room. I walked out slowly and found Drew looking out the blinds in the window.

"Hey, uh we're-" He began to speak but his voice trailed off as he saw me in my bikini.

I never really dressed in a sexy manner, so I knew that my bikini was a lot. He's never even seen me this way ever before.

"Is it ugly?" I asked in shy voice.

"No, uh, you look good; very good actually." Drew smirked.

I smiled as he continued to stare at me, but he was talking before I came out, which made me ask, "You were saying?"

Drew shook his head and said, "Oh, yeah. Looks like we can't go to the beach."

"Awe, why?" I cried and Drew pulled up the blinds.

The sky was a dark gray and you tell it was about to storm.

I walked up to the window, leaning against the window seal as I sighed, "Well, that's a big bummer."

I continued to lean against the window as I pouted. Drew took a step closer and sighed as we both looked out the window, but then, his eyes lit up as an idea popped in his mind.

"You, Me, Order in, Netflix. What do you say?" He proposed

I smiled as I shrugged my shoulders and sighed, "Sounds good to me."

"Chinese okay with you?" He asked and I smiled.

"Just let me go change. Okay?" I sighed and he nodded.

After changing into a pair of joggers and a t-shirt, we ordered Chinese food. Shrimp Lo Mein for me and Kung Pao chicken for him, with an order of egg rolls.

Our food didn't take long to get here. Drew was also a gentleman and paid, even though I insisted on paying.

I was sitting on the couch as he came over with the food, saying, "You get to pick the first movie." I scrolled through Netflix and saw the live action Lion King. It was one of my favorites, so that's what I picked.

"I put on The Lion King. I'll also get us some drinks." I said quickly.

We ate our food and enjoyed the movie as we both we're laughing and having a good time. By the time the movie ended, the food was completely gone and the storm outside was getting worse. It was dark outside and it was a bit cold. I began to clean up our mess as Drew was on the couch, picking the next movie to watch.

By the time I cleaned up, he was still looking for a movie and the coldness in the room was getting to me.

"Hey, I'm going to grab a blanket. I'll be right back." I sighed as I ran into my room, grabbing a blanket, and then bolted back into the living room, jumping on to the couch.

He laughed as I landed right next to him.

"That was quick." He chuckled.

"Just like the Flash," I chuckled, "You find a movie yet?"

"Yeah, I got an old one for us." He sighed as he began to play the original Carrie movie.

Horrors aren't a favorite of mine, but I was okay with his choice.

We relaxed, propping our legs up on the ottoman in front of my couch. I was just watching the movie, but the storm outside grew worse.

You could hear the rain smacking the window as if it was hail and then a loud rumble of thunder made fear jump through my whole body.

I hate thunder. I even began to shake from fear, making me look like a big baby.

Drew noticed as I was nearly hiding under the blanket. I looked up quickly as he laid his arm on my shoulders and said, "Hey, Y/N. You okay?"

"I don't like loud noises like thunder. It's a childhood fear of mine." I whispered in a timid voice, as I was truly scared of the thunder.

"Come here," He whispered back to me.

I listened as he pulled me into his arms, the blanket covering both of us, our legs intertwining. I laid my head against his chest and he was very comforting as he stroked my hair, his warmth heating my whole body. He was like a human space heater. The fear started to go away, but another loud crack of thunder made me start shaking again.

"Hey," Drew whispered into my ear. I looked up too see his piercing blue eyes and he smirked as he lifted my chin.

Our noses were touching as he leaned down, looked me dead in the eye and said, "Everything's alright. It's just thunder."

His voice was so comforting and I smiled as I felt his small beard touch my face, his soft lips meeting mine as he kissed me.

My fear vanished as soon as he kissed me. I could feel the love and care that he put into our first kiss and I was positive that it was perfect.

He held my chin again as he pulled away, giving me one more kiss.

"It's just thunder." He sighed as he laid my head against his chest.

We continued to watch the movie as he held me, but I said, "You make me feel so safe."

Drew did make me feel safe. I felt so safe and secure in his arms, like nothing bad could ever happen to me.

I looked up to see him smiling as he said, "Good.", leaving a kiss on my forehead afterward.

He turned his head to look out the window and the storm wasn't slowing down whatsoever.

"The storm isn't stopping any time soon. I can stay the night, if you want. I don't want to leave you alone if you're going to be scared." Drew whispered to me, expressing his concern.

"If you don't mind," I sighed.

"Well, looks like I'm staying then." He smiled.

For some reason I kind of felt bad. I was being a big baby in my eyes.

"I'm sorry, Drew. I know I'm being a big baby." I sighed, but I grinned as he shook his head.

"We all have fears and I'm sure you'd comfort me if I faced mine. Don't worry about it." He insisted.

The movie finally ended and as the credits were rolling, so was the thunder.

"Just want to go to bed? It's almost ten." Drew suggested and that sounded great to me.

I wanted to sleep through the storm since it wasn't ending yet.

"Sure. We can watch another movie in there too, if you want." I suggested.

We went to bed, putting on a random movie. Neither of us bothered to really pay attention to it. I just wanted the thunder to stop and thankfully, I had Drew there to comfort me.

About an hour passed, and I could feel myself falling asleep. I cuddled up to Drew, using his chest as a pillow. My eyes were heavy as they kept falling shut.

I hummed as he wrapped his arm around me and whispered, "Sweet dreams." kissing my forehead and I was off to sleep.

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