Small Confessions (SMUT)

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"Drew! Sheamus!"

Why did Adam Pearce even bother anymore? It's been how long that Drew and Sheamus have been fighting non-stop, anywhere, any time.

Deep inside, it did pain me because once upon a time, we were a trio of true friends with big dreams that we all got to accomplish together. Now, this? Just constant fighting? They must've forgotten that I was still here.

"Sorry they're like this Adam," I sighed, marching over and yanking Drew by the hair, Sheamus by the ear, yelling, "Don't you two ever get sick of fighting one another?!"

Adam was watching in shock, wishing he came to me a long time ago as I clanked their heads together hard, then tossed them to the floor on their butts.

"What happened to being best friends, no matter what?" I snapped, looking between the two groaning and rubbing their heads, "Going from nothing to something together! What happened to it? Now, you two fight and bicker like little kids! Get a grip. It's already bad enough that you two almost lost your Money in The Bank spots! Just cut it out, for the love of Pete!"

"Oh, don't ya start ya stuff, Y/N!" Sheamus rose to his first, scoffing at me, "This doesn't concern you, so buzz off!"

"All I want is for us to be friends again, Sheamus," I huffed, letting out emotion, "You just expect me to toss our friendship like trash? Like, how long have we been friends?"

"That's exactly what ya need to do," Sheamus breathed, yelling at me, "It is trash!"

Sheamus's words truly broke my heart into pieces. No matter what happened between the three of us, our friendship still prevailed, and hearing him call it trash, I was defeated. The sadness in my eyes was quite obvious.

For a moment, I didn't realize on my other side that Drew was getting back up, looking even more pissed off, then Adam just had to insert himself:

"Sheamus, you-"

"No, don't." I glared at Adam, having all eyes on me, making sure I glared at Drew and Sheamus too, "I guess I'm not their friend after all. I shouldn't have bothered."

There must've been a scary look on my face because everyone stood still, watching me leave till I was out of sight and not daring to move.

They always say words are just words, but they can truly hurt. Since I wasn't booked, I gladly packed up and went home. Once I was home, that little fight left my mind, and being back home was like normal. I put up all my things, took a shower then slept.

In the morning, it was no different either. Woke up, had a cup of coffee, went to go work out, took a quick shower, started cooking some food and I heard my doorbell ring.

Lucky them, the food I had cooking was done; turning off the stove then headed over and when I opened the door, I found something I didn't expect.

Drew always had the cutest smile that you couldn't look away from, white roses in one arm and a gift bag in another, smiling at me:

"There's my best friend!"

It was so hard for me not to smile, knowing that Drew was a true friend despite his fallout with Sheamus, but I still asked:

"What's this, Drew?"

"I know ya don't want me fighting Sheamus anymore, but I was very ready to claymore him after what he said to you," He began, seeing how it hit him in the heart just like it did to me, "And it literally made me cry when you said that we're not friends anymore. So, I'm here to remind you that unlike that scumbag Sheamus, you are my friend. My best friend."

That put the brightest smile on my face, on top of my favorite flowers, needing to know what was in that bag? How could I be so heartless and deny all of that?

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