In The Moment

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"Drew McIntyre is not in a good situation right now," Saxton said nervously on commentary.

I hated when Drew got himself into situations like this. Drew was no man to go down easily, but seeing him face two very large men in a handicapped match, and now the both of them wielding chairs??! This wasn't going to be good and unfortunately, I had to break one of Drew's rules.

Veer, Shanky, and Jinder didn't waste any more time to go after Drew, taking turns with their chair shots. It was so hard to watch and as the only student of Drew, as his best friend, I had to go out there.

Drew had a moment to at least breathe while he was down in the corner, looking confused when the crowd irrupted, watching me slide into the ring, going to his side to protect him.

"Poor girl," Jinder sighed, shaking his head, approaching me.

I could feel the intimidation he was trying to push on to me, but it didn't work a bit. I didn't dare to back down, meeting him in the middle of the ring.

"You are a fool if you think that I fear you," I made known, standing up tall to look into his eyes.

"I'll just have to change that then," Jinder crackled, putting his hand in my face and shoving me.

That shove made my anger rise like boiling water that was overflowing. I was ready to prove that I didn't fear him, ready for fight while Jinder raised his chair, but out of nowhere, Drew about kicked his head off with a claymore kick.

I watched in joy, but Drew was exploding. When Veer and Shanky tried to get involved, no one noticed, but Drew was able to get his claymore, ready to use it and its intimidation made them back down because Drew was ready to use it.

"Cowards," I snickered, looking down to Jinder down on the mat, trying to collect himself.

Drew shot me a mean look, so I quickly grew quiet, putting my head down. He was not happy with me.

"You listen here," Drew yelled at Jinder, pointing the sharp end of the claymore at his neck, it actually touching Jinder's neck when Drew leaned down, growling, "You ever get near her again, let alone put your hands on her and you will never get back in this ring again!"

Everyone in that arena was scared of Drew. It's been quite some time since I've seen Drew this enraged before. He refused to take his eyes off of Jinder, even when he sat on the ropes, signaling me to exit the ring.

Drew was the one who taught me how to wrestle. Years ago, when I first began, I did not learn how to wrestle properly and at an indie show, I met Drew, who noticed. He had free time, so I asked him to train me properly.

There was no denying that he had his teacher mode, but we also became best friends, traveled with one another, did shows and wrestled as a tag team. Now, here we were on Raw with one another.

Tonight, I actually had my own match. A very big match that I really needed to focus on. A triple threat match against Rhea Ripley and Charlotte Flair for the number one contender's spot.

Drew told me that I was not allowed to be involved with his match tonight, even when we knew that something was going to happen. He told me that my match should be my main priority and nothing else, but it was hard to just stand there and watch those losers beat the mess out of him with chairs.

How was I just supposed to stand there and watch?

"You're in for an earful too, Y/N," Drew murmured, anger still in his voice, standing close to me while we made our way up the ramp and to the back.

Again, I just stayed quiet and sat down in the locker room, ready to be scolded, only if this could end like one of those adult videos where the teacher tells you to come after class. That thought almost made me laugh, but then Drew let the door slam, breathing so heavily.

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