Lovable Psycho (SMUT)

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"Hey, Y/N, you good?" Dean said to me, grabbing my attention.

His voice snapped me out of the space that I was in, inside of my head. We were in the stadium near the stairs for our entrance and I was kind of zoning out, not paying attention to anything.

"Yeah, Y/N. We're about to head out there and you are out of it," Roman added.

"I'm sorry guys," I sighed, "I just zoned out."

"It's alright," Dean sighed, patting my shoulder, "Just get in the zone. We have five minutes till we head out."

I just nodded my head, trying to get in the zone, but it was hard. It was a ton of fun being the fourth member of the Shield. Roman, Dean, and Seth were like brothers to me, but tonight was tough for me.

Seth had been feuding with Drew McIntyre and we were going to get involved with the match. The tough part was, Drew's my boyfriend and none of them knew. No one knew for that matter and it was difficult on the inside.

But Roman and Dean were right, I had to get in the zone. If anything, it would be fun to mess with Drew because he knows that I don't really mean it.

The five minutes went by more like five seconds and Drew's eyes quickly fixed on the crowd as he heard:

"Sierra. Hotel. India. Echo. Lima. Delta. SHIELD."

I lead the group as Dean, Roman, and I went through the crowd and down to the ring. The entire time, I had my eyes on Drew and he was actually smirking at me. Being the only female member of the Shield did have its advantages.

No man dared to put their hands on me and the ones who did paid the price at the hands of Roman, Seth, and Dean.

Seth was in deep trouble with his match against Drew, but we were there to change that. Each of us were standing at one side the ring and as I got up on the apron, Drew just stared into my eyes and would not take them off of me.

Our stare down was way more intense than anticipated and Drew actually came up to me, holding his arms out wide as he said, "What do you think you're going to do, missy?"

As Drew came to me, the referee also did and that's when things turned to our favor. Roman and Dean pretended to get into the ring, making the referee run to them. While the referee's back was turned, I swept Drew off of his feet, making him fall hard.

Drew tried getting back up again, but Seth came out of nowhere with a curb stomp. Seth stomped his head straight into the mat and there was no way Drew was kicking out of it. That's exactly what happened and Drew lost his match, which pained me, but I also had my fun.

Roman, Dean, Seth, and I, all got into the ring, standing over Drew while we all put our fists together, the crowd not knowing whether to cheer or boo us. Either way, I kind of enjoyed it. Drew was always so dominate and it was nice to be the one on the top of the mountain, especially since it was in the men's division.

Once we got backstage, the boys and I actually had an interview. Dean explaining why we injected ourselves into the match, which was because we wanted to dethrone Drew McIntyre.

It was a fun interview, all of us intimidating everyone with our words and actions, but Drew was not intimidated. Especially not by me.

After our interview, I was actually heading to my locker room to pack up for the night. I was almost there, walking past Drew's locker room and his locker room door opened. I had no time to react or speak as he grabbed me by the wrist, pulling me into his locker room.

Still, nothing came out of me at first, my back being slammed up against the door as Drew began laughing at me.

"Y/N, baby girl, you're in trouble," Drew chuckled, seriousness in his eyes.

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