Chapter 26: Challenge

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(Y/N's POV 847)

"T-That was. . ." Frieda sighed.

"Good? Amazing? Excellent?" You jokingly said.

"All of them, all three." She moved closer to you on the bed, nuzzling your neck as she gave you light kisses on your neck.

"You know nine more months we're going to be expecting another kid and we're both only 20 years old." You chuckled, as you played with Frieda's black silky hair.

"Speaking of the kid, where is Hazel right now?" You questioned her as she looked up looking at you.

"Hazel? She's with my father and the others. It seems they've taken a real liking to her." Freida smiled.

"Who wouldn't take a real liking to her? She's an angelic child who rarely cries to top it all off it seems she has amazing etiquette and manners. I wonder where she gets that from." You put your index finger on your chin.

"I wonder as well, you know what I also wonder?"

"What is it princess of the walls?" You said.

"I wonder where our daughter gets her amazing looks from. If I had to guess she does look a lot like you doesn't she."

You sighed as you knew where this conversation was heading.

"Fine, I'll admit it I guess you were right about her looking like me I just never thought you'd know who she'd look like as soon as you laid your eyes on her." You stated.

"I have a thing for that. . . isn't time for you to train with Historia?" Frieda asked.

"It is, isn't it? I'll be going now."

You both stood up from the bed as she had her hands behind her back, moving side to side, expecting something.

"Are you forgetting something?"

You smirked as you knew what she wanted.

"How could I forget."

You cupped her face, as you leaned in for a kiss. This wasn't any normal kiss this was a kiss filled with passion and love. You didn't know how long until you would break out from this exchange of yours it didn't matter. It was a moment of bliss. A moment where you didn't have to worry about the future because you knew that Frieda would always be by your side.

You finally broke out of the kiss, and that was enough to satisfy her as she waved at you goodbye.

"Hand-to-hand combat. That's what everyone needs in life. Before you graduate this is a must-do, something that is vital." You said to the 104 cadets.

You noticed Eren raise his hand in preparation for asking a question.

"Yes, you may speak Eren."

"Aren't we just fighting titans?"

You gave him a smirk.

"Indeed we are fighting titans, but sometimes what happens if a person so turns out to want to fight you? Surely you must have experienced."

That was enough to keep Eren silent.

"For demonstration, we'll have both of these lovely people spar one another." You chuckled placing your hand on Nanaba's and Gelgar's shoulders.

They both looked at each other with smug looks on their faces.

As everyone formed a circle around them.

"This feels nostalgic doesn't it Nanaba."

They both circle each other with their guards up.

"How is this nostalgic at all we've never fought before."

"That's because you'd lose," Gelgar said confidently.

"I'm going to end this in under 30 seconds." A pissed Nanaba said.

"As if-"

A swift jab to the face
A jab to the gut
A kick to the chest.

Gelgar dropped to the ground in agony, he had the worst reaction time known to man.

"You didn't have to go that hard!" Gelgar groaned in pain.

"Now everyone picks a partner and enjoy this sparring session. . . And remember you don't want to end up like this guy on the ground." You chuckled.

"Ha ha very funny."

You aided Gelgar back up as he fixed his hair.

"It seems we got some fighters. . . and some jokers as well," Nanaba noted as we watched Connie and Sasha do their usual shenanigans with one another.


Reiner had made it all the way here to your feet he groaned in pain as you looked at who did that to him and it was none other than Annie

"It seems we've got another Gelgar on our hands." You said. Nanaba couldn't help but laugh at this comment covering her mouth.

"Hey! Come on now!" Gelgar whined.

Annie walked up to you with a fierce look on her face.

"Do you want anything or-

"I want to fight you." Annie started.

It seems everyone heard this as all eyes were on both of you.

"You've got to be kidding me."

"I'm not I've heard you're humanity's strongest warrior don't tell me you're scared." She said in her usual monotone voice.

This ticked you off, back in Marley she would always want to fight you 9/10 times you'd win easily but there would always be that one time you'd slip up and lose against a move that you would teach her.

"Alright then let's have at it-"


An immediate sidekick to your face as you evaded just in time, thankfully your reactions were on point.

She continued to pressure you with kicks and jabs as all you could do was defend to the best of your abilities.

You noticed Reiner and Bertholdt entertained about what was going on, Historia was worried about you getting injured while Eren cheered you on.

"Why aren't you trying!" A frustrated Annie said as she swung a massive right hook that you block with your forearms.

You must admit her hits defiantly hurt way more, but she fought like a child.

You could tell from her ragged movements she was getting tired, as her movements became more sloppy to the point where she began letting her guard down.

"You're exposing your stomach."

She quickly did her best to defend her body but it was too late as you gave her a front kick to her stomach you didn't put enough strength to knock her down but enough speed that she couldn't brace it.

As she completely let her guard down you immediately went for her throat, gripping her throat as she began choking as you lifted her slamming her to the ground.

You continued to choke her as she did her best to break out of it by punching you in the face but you stood there unfazed to the point where she had no choice but to tap out.

If you had to be honest she was an easy fight. Everyone stared at you with awe and excitement as they clapped and cheered for you

Was there anyone that could give you a. . .


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