Chapter 40: Late

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"Dad!" Hazel whined, tugging on your sleeve as hard as humanly possible so that her small hand could do, attempting to stop you from heading off.

"Why are you leaving." Hazel crossed her arms with a cute pout on her face.

You chuckled kneeling to where it allowed Hazel to poke your cheek. "Dad's just going into a mission. I'll just be gone for a few days." You ruffled her hair, but that was still not enough to tame the little Hazel.

"But I don't want Dad to go on a mission." She muttered.

"I know but it's just-"

"Something that your father has to deal with dear." Frieda came in clutch to answer for you. She sat beside Hazel comforting her as all Hazel needed was that motherly love to tame her.

Soon enough Hazel was out of the room leaving just the two of us together.

"So they recalled you out for another mission?" Frieda sighed running her finger through your hair.

You strapped your ODM gear onto your waist. It felt weird having to put it on. Of course, you used it to keep your skills up to date but you never expected to be back into the action so soon.

"Yeah. . . Commander Erwin told me that I needed to come. I hope you can understand that Frieda." You grazed her cheek as she simply smiled at you.

"Of course I understand. Humanity's strongest soldier. My Ackerman. My husband is being called out, it was about time."

Our foreheads touched one another, you both didn't need to say a word to explain the feelings that you were both having.

"You know Frieda Ress, I'm yours to command."

"Is that so?" She giggled. "I do have one command."

"What is it?" You asked.

"I'm coming with you."

You were a bit taken aback by that. Out of all the things that she could have said you were not expecting this.

"Y-You're joking, right?" You chuckled nervously.

Frieda straight stared at you. Her hands on her hips were all that was needed for you to know that she was being deadly serious.

"But what about Hazel and Laura? Who's going to take care of them?"

Frieda giggled in response. "You do know that we're not the only ones in this family right?"

Point taken.

But still, you placed your hands firmly on Frieda's shoulders. "Frieda you have to understand that this isn't something you want to go to. It'll change you as a person. This will be"

"I know." She fired back. "You don't think that I realise that (Y/N)?" She calmly said.

"I may be your wife, but I'm also a Princess and I am the founding Titan." She declared as she stood up from the ground dusting her skirt.

"This is why I married you." You said in awe of her determination.

Was it weird that you found Frieda talking back to you oddly attractive?

"I know (Y/N). Now let's get ready."


(Frieda's POV)
In all honesty, I needed time away from the house. Being a mother was a tough job and even I knew that despite my doing my best I would need a break eventually.

I could trust my family to take care of them, even if they didn't do the best job of it.

I needed time for myself, so I thought that perhaps being with (Y/N) would be the right thing for me to do.

We managed to arrive at some sort of forest. This forest looked familiar but I didn't think too much of it.

(Y/N) mounted off the horse as he extended out his hand for me to grab.

"Where are we?" I asked curiously.

(Y/N) looked over his shoulder with a slight smile on his face.

"We're going to Commander Erwin but before that, there are some people that I want you to meet." (Y/N) stopped in his tracks.

"You wanted to know more about me, more about my past right? This is how I'm going to show you." He said seriously. He turned his whole body as he placed his hands on my shoulders.

"You trust me right?"

What kind of question was that?

"Always." I nodded.

(Y/N) chuckled.


In an instant (Y/N) had scooped me up with one hand. Sometimes I forgot how incredibly strong he could be. He had taken the role of a father that he never really needed to use his strength.

"Hold on tightly Frieda this might just be a frightening experience."

"How frightening?"

"Let's just say that we might encounter a Titan or two."

A Titan? This would be one of my first times seeing a Titan. Though I had fought with Grisha my life was in the hands of (Y/N)

But I wasn't worried at all.

"Are you sure that you can use your ODM gear and hold me at the same time?" I teased.

"Is that a challenge?" He chucked.

I shrugged my shoulders in response. "See it however you want it."

"Alright, then Frieda. I most certainly see it as a challenge."


I thought that (Y/N) was joking. But I was incredibly mistaken. He meant all the things that he was saying.

We were in the air and all I could do was hope that he wouldn't drop me. Never in my life had I grasped onto anything in my life until now.

This was most certainly a life-threatening experience. But what made it worse wasn't that, it was the fact that (Y/N) seemed amused about what was going on.

It looked like he wasn't even breaking a sweat! He was enjoying every moment of my misery.

"This isn't funny!" I shouted at the top of my lungs, clutching onto him for dear life.

"Come, Frieda! Aren't you a princess and the founding Titan!" He teased.

The nerve of this guy. I would've given him the meanest pout but I was too scared to do that for the sake of my safety.

Maybe I should have just stayed at home.

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