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As always, the mafia woke up before the bunny boy. Looking around, he realized he had slept in Jungkook's room itself. Surprisingly though, it wasn't an uncomfortable sleep, but rather a nice one. 

He sat up, ruffling his own hair, and looking to his side, where Jungkook lay. 

The younger was still hugging plushies, and there was a small smile on his face. 

V stared at him for a while, before bending to his level.

Upclose, he could see the younger had a small scar, on one of his cheeks and a mole under his luscious lips. He didn't realize when his fingertips were moving over the scar, outlining it, however, the skin under his hand felt soft and supple. He squished the boy's cheeks lightly, and automatically stood up, realizing what he did, when Jungkook frowned in his sleep and murmured incoherent words. 

Standing up, he decided to wash up quickly, and get to his schedule, even though he missed the warmth he had been getting since last night. 


V was walking outside his room, and down the stairs, to have breakfast. What he missed was the fact he didn't realize but he had to call Jungkook, who was still sitting in his room, reading a book, clutching his stomach in hunger. 

Grandma had been on leave, having to go to Soobin in the mansion beside, and so, everyone slowly forgot about the bunny boy. 

V hurriedly got to his car, where his assistant Park was already waiting. Settling inside, they drove towards the headquarters of the Shadows, considering there had to be some meeting regarding the deals. 

And all in all, no one cared to look at the boy who went back to sleep, after staying hungry for hours. 


it was silent, except for the ragged breathing of a man that stood after getting literally knocked off with damn hard punches and whatnot. It was what looked like a basement, but not your ordinary one. The walls had splashes of blood, it smelled of rot and decay, and there was this pungent feeling, of cold all over the area. Every small clink-clank echoed off the 

'Where are the drugs?' - V asked the male in front of him. However, the latter only stood there smirking with a bloody face. 

'I ain't telling you, V~' 

Park looked at his boss, hiding his surprised look very well, V ought to have killed the man by now, but why is he resisting? 

'And besides, what is even on about? Drugs? When you and I both know it's not why you were after me~'- the man spoke and that's when a laugh echoed through the walls of the basement of HQ. V laughed maniacally, throwing away his cigarette. He stood up and walked closer to the man, the laughter dying down almost immediately as he held the man by his hair, yanking them up, and passing his infamous psychotic smirk. 

'You're right, and we both know what it is that I'm after.'- he whispered, spitting on the man's face before backing up. 

He held out his hand, and Park passed him the metal baseball bat, which he held tightly in his hand and swung it hard. 

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