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Jin laughed, mockingly, before staring at V with a serious expression. 

'You should answer your question, yourself, Taehyung.' 

'Don't you dare call me that!'

'Why? Does it bring back memories, huh?'- Jin mocked again. V walked over to sit down on the couch, staring at nothing in particular, and yet he could hear how Jimin tried to hush Jin, who simply shook the assistant off. 

'Give me back Jungkook, and I'll go.'- V spoke after a while of silence. 

'And what if we won't?'- Jin said. 

'Don't make me lose my temper, Jin!'

'Or what, huh?' 

V stood up, marching straight towards Jin, however, he was pushed back when Namjoon came in middle.

'Don't you dare, Taehyung.' - Namjoon spoke, taking Jin behind him who continued to stare at V. 

V chuckled, humourlessly. 

'So you're all going against me, huh?' 

'No, we're going against V, not you Taehyung.' - Hoseok spoke, taking attention. 

Hoseok smiled softly at V, who scoffed and looked away. 

'All we want is, to give us Taehyung back, and we'll give Jungkook.' 

V glared at all of them. 

'Jungkook has nothing to do with it.'- he said, gritting his teeth angrily.

'Oh, then why did you bring him in the first place? Why did you introduce him as the 'queen', hmm? And why do you want him back, if he has nothing to do with this game?'-Jin spoke again. 

'Because he's fucking mine. Mine to own, mine to live with.' 

'He's not a toy, V. Hell, he's completely innocent and you, V, we all know who you are.' 

'Give me Jungkook. He is living with me, and he will continue to do so. I don't care what you think.' 

'For god's sake, Taehyung! Shut up! Okay? We've all followed you for fucking three years, helped you build this empire, and stood with you in all cases, but we won't let you destroy Jungkook! You fucking don't realize, but he's pure, and he's got nothing to do with this world, especially with your fucking obsession with him!'- Jimin said, breathing heavily at the end. He was practically fuming. 

V stared at his assistant, who had always remained calm, and this time he felt something. 

'You want Jungkook because you think of him as a property, which ultimately, he isn't, Taehyung. Get yourself to realize what you actually feel, you've fucking locked your heart in that ruddy cage of being V, who you aren't in reality. Just agree to your goddamn feelings!'

'That's enough, Jimin.'- Jin spoke after seeing V's fazed look. 

'I don't feel anything for him.'- V spoke, to which Jimin scoffed and mumbled, 'Yeah right.', and looked away.

Jin came closer to stand right in front of V, again. 

'Jungkook has been lonely all these days you left him. He was forgotten, the guards, and the maids can't always keep a lookout for him. He'll stay here, just like we are. And if you want to meet him, you can, during the daytime, just like you do with us. After all, you don't feel anything for him, just like you don't feel anything for us.'- Jin smiled a smile that hid all the true emotions. 

Behind him, he could hear how Jimin turned and walked away, while Hoseok followed. 

'Go back, to your mansion, V.' -Jin said, walking away as well, and Namjoon followed. 

V stood there, looking down, the gun held loosely in his hand. He looked up to see Yoongi still standing there. The latter walked closer and kept one hand on his shoulder, which V was about to shake off, but the grip tightened, making V look directly into Yoongi's eyes who stared back at him with a neutral expression. 

'Start expressing what you really feel. We stayed, not all do. Jungkook...he's young, fragile, and innocent, he might take you for just anyone else who simply wanted him, because of himself and not because he is who is really is. That kid needs love. Just like you do. Start accepting, Taehyung-ah.' 


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