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'YAH! GET UP! COME ON, GET UP YOU ASS-My dear Kookie baby, not you, come on, Hyung will help you in taking a bath-' 




'Hyungieeee~'-a soft voice whined, stopping the bickering which was too loud for no purpose, immediately. 

Jin's and Taehyung's attention went back to the sleeping beauty, who snuggled against Taehyung's torso, the male already sitting up, and rubbed his cheek against the male's thigh. 

'S-stwap showting! Kookie wan' slwwepp!'-the bunny boy murmured, the words coming out muffled, and it didn't even take a second for Jin and Taehyung to melt in a puddle right there and then. 

Taehyung stared at the bunny with heart eyes, before his gaze dropped to Jungkook's face, black bunny ears completely relaxed, the fur rubbing against Taehyung's arm, which he scratched and heard his baby bunny purr, making him smile ever-so-brightly. 

Oh, if his mornings could be this great every single day.

However, a squeal made him flinch, for it was right in his ear, and his bunny's ears bent in alert and shock, Jungkook snuggled closer to his torso, lying upon his legs. 

'Jin Hyung! Stop screeching like a cat-'- Taehyung's eyes widen when he realized what he said, and his gaze went towards the elder's face which was flaming red. 

'Shit, holy lord Imma not smoke, but save me today!' 

As Jin raised his hand, and parted his lips, 

'TIME PAUSE!'- V shouted, before slowly getting the bunny off his legs, and giving him a pillow to snuggle. 

He carefully took a frozen Jin outside the room and closed the door, before taking his slippers in hand, 


With that, all the security, the maids, and even the rest of the members saw the most feared gangster ran for his life, slippers in hand, and weird facial expressions. 

Meanwhile the bunny in the room, 

He smiled in his dream where his Taehyung was the king and everyone bowed to his hyungie. So much respect. 

But the reality? 

Oh well. 


Taehyung, with a hand on his back, entered his room, hair sticking out in different directions, and a blank look. 

He stumbled over, and walked to the washroom, to prepare a bath, when he heard a soft sniffle, which was followed by a small giggle. 

He straightened up, lips parting in an 'o' when his back hurt like hell. Yet, he got the look of a strong mafia(which he was or was supposed to be) and turned around, looking at his baby, who was rubbing his ears softly. 

The mafia melted. 

He cooed loudly, as he stared at Jungkook bringing up his ears at the side of his head, and rubbing the fur, eyes closed, a big pout on his lips, and face slightly red and puffy due to sleeping a lot. 

The younger combed through his bunny ears, sitting at the edge of the bed, covered in blanket all around and Taehyung- 

Well, he was checking up on symptoms of a heart attack. 


'Come on, Koo. Let's take a quick bath, bunny.'- Taehyung picked up the bunny, who clutched onto him as he walked into the showerroom, and settled Jungkook on the sink, giving him a toothbrush, while picking up his own. 

As the younger put the toothbrush in his mouth, Taehyung noticed his swollen lips of his and smirked heartily. 

They continued to brush, until the younger was wide awake and spit out the foam, before skipping off the sink and getting rid of his clothes, except the shorts, because he was hella shy, still, in getting completely naked. 

And while it took a lot for V to focus on shaving, he couldn't just avoid looking at the pale, beautiful skin of his baby, and yet tried to, otherwise, he was afraid he might cut his neck and die right there. 

Jungkook settled in the bathtub, while the elder followed soon, and after a good, bath of bubbles and small kisses, which were mostly initiated by the mafia, the pair came out, dressed in bathrobes, Taehyung smiling wide, and Jungkook with swollen lips and a cherry face. 

'Let's get my sweetheart dressed, shall we?' 


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