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Suga looked at his watch, which vibrated so suddenly.

'Boss-V- an emergency signal! Secret code!'- he shouted, before rushing to the computers, whilst V followed, taking a seat right beside him as Suga opened the burner text box,

'Come fast, please.'

The please caught the attention of everyone who read it and they felt thunder inside them, knowing it was from no one other than Jimin who knew the secret line number, and not to mention, the male never said please until it was out of his hand and dangerous to his life.

'Fuck-'-Hoseok muttered.

'Get the coordinates. Prepare the cars and weapons. Bring me my phone.'- V motioned, as his phone was handed to him, and he hurried through the contacts, stopping at a particular one as he stared at the location on the screen.

'Need your help, it's wartime.'

'Be right there~' -the voice sang-song and almost everyone's eyes widened when they heard their boss chuckle.

Not a happy one.

Not one that Taehyung would do.

A psychotic one.

Good lord.






The bunny boy was pushed, hard enough, that as his legs hit the bedpost, he fell backward, senses completely numb. The boss smiled, more like smirked, as he held the syringe from his man, before getting on top of the boy, and caressing his cheeks.

Jungkook looked quite pale, for someone who once had chubby cheeks, he looked like someone had sucked all the energy and blood out of him, pale, weak, and fragile.

The 'boss' pulled his arm upwards, inserting the syringe in Jungkook's arm, a laugh erupting at the back of his throat, as he backed off.

'Get him ready.'- he spoke, before walking out, throwing the syringe away, he took out his phone and stared at the picture.

'So sad, this bunny-boy is going to be mine forever.'- he muttered, as he looked at V's picture, looking completely broken.

'Love makes you break, and I'm going to make sure yours destroys you.'






Holding the boy and making him stand, the guards groaned,

'Ugh, why do we have to carry him?!'

They stopped when the door opened, and in came their boss. Bowing with their heads down, they waited, as their boss came closer, and stopped right in front of an unconscious Jungkook. The boy was dressed in a white thin shirt, and shorts that barely covered his thighs. All his bruises were visible, and the boss only grinned, loving the 'marks'.

Blood was slowly trickling down one of Jungkook's bunny ears, which was torn from the edge. The boy, almost like a robot, was pulled by the guards, who began to walk out, to follow their boss, out of the room, and up to the second level.

'Is everything ready?'- the boss asked, and the guard standing in front of the hall's door nodded.

'Very well. Increase the security, tell everyone to leave the hall, except for the leaders, and...make sure to get it all recorded.'

The guard nodded once again, taking out the walkie-talkie as he walked away, not before turning around to once again look at the boy in the guard's arms.

He needed to do everything faster.








'Is everyone ready?'- Namjoon spoke through the earpiece before he heard a 'yes' from each team.

He looked at V, who was playing with the cigarette, and nodded, passing him the walkie-talkie.

'Hope you're ready. I don't care how much blood is shed, but make sure to kill every single enemy like it's your last time. Teams 1 and 2 will enter from the backside, Team 3, you'll manage the boundaries, and Team 4, you'll be coming with me. TXT, you'll enter once stage 1 is clear, and Yeonjun, make sure to protect what's yours.'- V said, as Namjoon looked at Suga who passed a small smile.

Hoseok, who had been making sure the radar was ready, and location sharing on, nodded, giving a thumbs up, and that's when the doors of the mansion's exit opened.

'Good luck to everyone, try your best, and let's get our queen back.'- Hoseok spoke through the earpiece, looking at the stare sent towards his way by none other than V at the mention of 'queen'.








The jeep wrangler got out, black vans following the jeep, everyone ready, and focused.

On the other side, the red Lamborghini drove through the empty streets, pressing on the accelerator, the male behind the steering wheel looking at the rearview mirror at the cars that followed him. He turned on the music, throwing the cigarette bud out of the window, as he smirked, and picked up the walkie-talkie- 'Hope you're ready. I want no mistakes, and make sure to follow what they say.'-he spoke, getting a 'yes' from all the group heads.

He looked at the red dot, that began to blink, and immediately knew the others were off,

'Time to make sure I'm the loyal one.' -he laughed to himself, as he increased the speed, gaze going to the special toy he had bought just recently. Caressing the holster of the gun, he smiled,

'Can't wait to try you out, baby~'





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