part one || chapter three

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The next morning, Sapnap tried to put his new suggestions to good use. He was ready to not be completely incompetent. So bright and early, he knocked on Georges door. Karl answered.

"P-Prince Nicholas-" he bowed

"Hello. Who're you?" Sapnap asked happily, surprised by the door being answered by a polite albeit cute man and not Prince George.

"I'm Karl your Highness, the Prince's gentleman in waiting."

"Well I'm actually here for George. Is he here? May I see him?" He asked hopefully.

Karl was too intimidated to say no. "I'll fetch him at once your Grace please wait here."

"Of course."

Karl closed the door gently and released a breath he was holding.

"Oh my god. George!" He whisper yelled to the Prince who was still fast asleep. "George George George" he said quietly shaking him

"Mm!?" George grumbled in annoyance

"The Prince is here! To see you! Now!"

George shot up from his bed, his hair a mess "NOW?"

"I'm sorry" Karl said guiltily "I didn't know what to do!"

"Shit." George stumbled out of bed and smoothed his hair and clothes before opening the door.

"Prince Nicholas. It's early" George said with no emotion in his voice

"I apologize, did I wake you?"

"No." he immediately lied.

There was a moment of awkward silence "I got you these" Sapnap handed George a large bouquet of flowers.

"I'm grateful."

"I- was hoping you'd join me today in a- romantic outing?" He was clunky and awkward with his delivery, but overall proud of himself.

George stiffened. "W-well I-" he stuttered trying to think of something, anything to get him out of this. "I would be honored." He said finally unsuccessful.

"Really?" Sapnap asked happily.

"Yes. However I'm not- exactly- properly dressed. Perhaps I can meet you in the courtyard?"

"Of course. Take all the time you need."

George closed the door and sighed. As he heard Sapnap walk off, he leaned his back against the door and slowly slid down it. Karl watched him. He shoved his flowers to the side and looked to his friend.

"Let's get ready, Karl" George said defeated

Once ready, wearing a simple pair of brown pants and cream shirt with his lace up boots, George said his goodbye to Karl and walked in the direction of the courtyard. But as he was walking, dread started to fill his mind. He really wasn't in the mood for this. He thought about it a bit more... who's here to stop him from just, walking in the other direction? He slowed his walk to a stop, curtly turned on his heel, and began his descent down the hall in the opposite direction from the courtyard. He snickered quietly, quite pleased with himself.

 He found his way to a pretty secluded part of the castle thats hallway had direct access to the garden on one side. He climbed onto a maybe five foot tall white brick wall and sat himself on it, and enjoyed the morning air and the view of the outside. He sat there for what seemed like a life time, his troubles melted away for a bit and for about thirty minuets, he was at peace. Until it was interrupted.

"Prince George?"

George, who hadn't turned to greet the man, couldn't help but roll his eyes and be annoyed at the interruption. He already knew who it was. "Yes Clay?" he asked tilting his head lazily to meet him.

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