Chapter 2: Jungle Dangers

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~ A month later ~

*Hotaru's POV*

The boys forced me to go to Kyoya's family amusement park thing. Since it was a water park, I was wearing a water shirt and swim trunks. "Aw man, I wanted to see what the twins would've looked like in a bathing suit on Hotaru!" Tamaki whines. "I don't wear bathing suits" I respond blatantly. I get in the water, watching as my brothers throw a ball and Mori standing in the water with Honey on his shoulders.

I stay in the shallow end of the wait pool not wanting to get completely wet yet. I close my eyes and lift my head towards the sky enjoying the sun on my skin, when suddenly I am submerged in the water. I lift my head out of the water gasping, hair now clinging to my forehead and getting in my eyes. I look at who pushed me, and I see none other than my stupid, dimwitted brothers. "Hikaru! Kaoru! You're so dead!" I shout, getting out of the water and chasing them.

The three of us are running and for a moment I am thrown back in time to the way it used to be, just the three of us, we didn't need anyone else in this cruel forsaken world because we had each other. But that is all gone when I am pushed into the pool again, but not by my brothers, by Tamaki. I give him an evil look before I swim away to do laps on the other end of the pool. "Firefly! Come on he was just playing around" my brothers call but I ignore them.

*Kaoru's POV*

It was fun to play around with Hotaru as if we were kids again, I loved the hosts, but I can tell Hikaru feels it too, we miss our sister. We call out for Hotaru as she swims away from us but even with us using our nickname for her, she doesn't seem to care. I missed our firefly, the girl that could bring lightness to all our darkness. The one who made me laugh with Hikaru when I couldn't tell the two apart because they act so similarly. They even share the same jealousy problem... Firefly.

"Why did she swim away? And why did you guys call her firefly?" Tamaki asks us, looking confused. "She isn't good with other people" I answer the first question. "And we called her firefly cause that's our nickname for her, her name means firefly... Our mother picked it out special for her, so we call her that" Hikaru answers the second question. "Doesn't like people? Like you two in middle school?" Tamaki continues to pester. "Yes, exactly like we were in middle school," Hikaru and I say together.

To get Tamaki to leave us alone about Hotaru, the two of us decide to pester Haruhi to get Tamaki onto our backs rather than hers. "Hey Haruhi, what's with that pullover you're wearing?" We ask. Haruhi continues to explain that it was Tamaki who gave her the pullover.

Surprisingly we understand, "So you're not going to swim?" Hikaru asks. "You do swim, don't you?" I also ask. "I can swim just as good as the next guy, but this isn't my idea of fun." Haruhi starts and then goes on saying that a boat was a pool.

After the conversation with Haruhi and then Renge showing up saying that Honey is perfecting his cute look, we decide to check on Hotaru, seemingly she is probably still mad at us. We see that she is in the water along with Honey and Mori but farther away from them. We tease Tamaki into playing a water gun fight with us. We didn't notice but Mori had gotten out of the water.

During our water gun battle Tamaki slams into a totem pole, which was a control panel for the pool that Honey, and Hotaru were in, causing a tsunami wave to take them. "Hotaru!" Hikaru and I scream, while everyone else screams for Honey. We all watch as the wave takes both of them down the current. Mori runs after but trips on a banana peel. "Boss! We have to get our sister back! And Honey-senpai!" Hikaru and I say together.

Our sister has never been in danger before, minus one time when we were kids, this was the first time that she was even really far away from us besides club hours, we needed our sister, and we have no clue what is even out there that could harm her. "It's ok twins, she has Honey-senpai with her. She is in good hands until we find them," Kyoya says to calm our stress. We all run in different directions that we think lead to them faster until Kyoya points out the correct path.

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